The Project [theatre] February 2013 update – Knight Foundation

The Project [theatre] February 2013 update

By Jackie Rivera, The Project [theatre]

It seems that everything happens at a pace in February, the weather gets inexplicably warmer, only 28 days, and The Project [theatre] has exactly 3 weeks to put up a show in a hotel. Wait…wait…what??

TRUTH! We are delightfully challenged to stage a one of a kind performance experience at The Riviera South Beach at the end of this very short month. Now that’s all fine and well, but the real kicker is that it will be our most challenging project to date, forcing us to work way outside of what we thought immersive theater meant…it will even challenge you, our audience. For the first time more so than ever before…you, our audience may finally have the kind of control over your experience we always dreamed about providing. Again, the choice is yours. (no audience members are forced to participate during any Project [theatre] show, however, it is encouraged) We’re talking, a much more loose process than we’ve ever implemented, we’re talking multi-media, we’re talking…Live Reality Television!

Here’s a sneaky peek of our press release:

“Extended Stay”

Project [theatre] brings it’s newest experience to South Beach in the style of pop culture’s highest art form: Reality TV.

You’ve drooled at 8th & Ocean, you’ve been Miami Ink’d, come take a lesson in hospitality at the Hotel Riviera. Be a part of the problem with the staff you love and the drama you can’t live without. Don’t bring your baggage- we’ve got plenty.

(fun fact: this show idea was conceived in a record breaking time of within 1 hour)

So you can understand this project is taking up most of our stunted month…but in the meantime we have started to take another step toward global domination  setting up a network of resources by way of implementing The Project [theatre]’s Advisory Committee. Invitations are being offered and accepted at a rapid and enthusiastic rate…and with the help of this crack team (we don’t do crack) there might be very little limitation to our very cool and grand ideas.

Sometimes it takes a time-sensitive opportunity that absolutely scrambles our brains under pressure to really bring a group together. Progress, ideas, and trusting collaboration are alive and well at The Project [theatre] these days…but don’t take our word for it. Come. Check it out for yourselves.

Renovation progress at Riviera South Beach Hotel…reason #3,067 for our speedy process