The Secret Society Of Twisted Storytellers – Knight Foundation

The Secret Society Of Twisted Storytellers

Thanks to the Detroit Knight Arts Challenge grant, The Secret Society Of Twisted Storytellers is continuing to fulfill its mission to connect humanity, heal and transform and provide an uplifting, thought-provoking, soul-cleansing entertainment experience that is unique through the art and craft of storytelling.

In November 2013, 10-year-old, Hannah Wise told her story of “Betrayal & Trust” at The Secret Society Of Twisted Storytellers. Her mom’s ex-boyfriend decided to keep her little dog, Mystery after breaking up with Hannah’s mother. The dog was a gift from her deceased grandmother and Hannah’s best friend. The ex-boyfriend’s claim was that he had grown “emotionally attached” to her pet. Hannah asked her mom could they sue. The lawsuit was scheduled for August 2014. However, after telling her story on Friday, November 18, 2013, at The Secret Society Of Twisted Storytellers, Hannah’s story was picked up by The Oakland Press in Michigan on Monday, November 21, 2013. The Associated Press picked up the story on Tuesday, November 22, 2013, on Wednesday the story went viral globally. The world expressed outrage and sympathy for Hannah and said as much. By Friday, November 25, 2013, the ex-boyfriend brought Hannah’s dog back and she and Mystery were happily reunited. We thank the ex-boyfriend for listening to the world community and doing right by Hannah. You heard it first at The Secret Society Of Twisted Storytellers!

Hannah Wise – Photographer, Michael Fossback