Theoroi attends and reflects on “The Birds” at the Guthrie Theater – Knight Foundation

Theoroi attends and reflects on “The Birds” at the Guthrie Theater

By Tessa Retterath, Theoroi

On Sunday, February 25, the Theoroi group attended its sixth event. Coordinated by The Schubert Club, Theoroi is a group of young individuals who attend local cultural performances together and spread the word about their experience using interactive media. The attendees are learning about the arts together, forming friendships, and helping grow Twin Cities’ audiences.

For this event, the group attended the Guthrie Theater’s production of “The Birds” in the Dowling Studio. They started the evening with two guest speakers: Guthrie Sound Designer Scott Edwards and Assistant Director Amanda Friou. The evening concluded with a social hour in the Guthrie’s Kitchak lounge where the group had the opportunity to mingle and discuss the performance.

One of the members of the group, Jeff Lin, describes his experience on his blog, “The Guthrie’s production of Conor McPherson’s The Birds brought me to the Dowling Studio for the first time. It was also the first time I had ever met a professional sound designer and assistant director of a play. As part of the Theoroi group, we get opportunities to see some of the behind-the-scenes action that takes place, which is really cool. It also sheds a light on things that really affects the way I consume the performance.” Read Jeff’s entire post here.

Another member, Matt Zumwalt, describes part of the evening on his blog, “We Theoroi had conversations with Sound Designer Scott Edwards and Assistant Director Amanda Friou before the show, which was a good way to prepare for seeing the first preview of a new play.  Edwards was quietly casual but got everyone riled up when he started talking about why he loves working in live theater what it’s like to work as a sound designer.  Friou did a great job of explaining all the work that had led up to the evenings performance and how many people it takes to put on a production like this.” Read his entire post here.

Read more posts and comments about the experience from the group at, and