Throw your hat in the residency ring – Knight Foundation

Throw your hat in the residency ring

Cannonball residencies’ cool digs in downtown Miami.

These have been a couple of eventful and expansive years for Cannonball, for 10 years known as LegalArt, which rebranded itself and with a Warhol Foundation grant has been growing its offerings and services. In June it hired well-known artist and critic Gean Moreno as artistic director, kicking off another growth spurt, with more programming for 2014-2015 planned.

Cannonball offers residencies for locals and visiting artists and cultural producers. The local ones last a year, and include subsidized live/work studio space. The visiting residencies last one to three months, and their work spaces are mixed in on the same shared living space floor in the downtown Miami building.

Work from current local resident Joseriberto Perez.

Work from current local resident Joseriberto Perez.

One current visiting artist, for instance, is Kianga Ford, who is creating a series of storytelling walking tours in various cities. Her works have been shown all over, including at LACMA, the Studio Museum of Harlem and the Contemporary Art Museum of Houston. She’s director of BFA Fine Arts at the School of Arts, Media and Technology at Parsons, the New School for Design in New York. Another is Cuban performance artist Carlos Martiel, who will be showing at CIFO across the street for a September exhibit. In other words, hob-knobbing on the second floor in the communal kitchen or in various studios is great opportunity for local artists to really interact with the multi-disciplinary practices going on all over the world.

So make sure you get your application in by 5 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 4 for consideration for the 2015 year, starting in January and running through Dec. 20. The live/work spaces are 600 square feet (single occupancy), for a subsidized rate of $450 per month. Various Cannonball services are available to all residents. Working visual artists but also curators, scholars and other cultural professionals are encouraged to apply.

And contact Geon Moreno for any question at [email protected].