Tigertail And The Miami Poetry Collective Launch New Book – Knight Foundation

Tigertail And The Miami Poetry Collective Launch New Book

When I think about the question “what brings a poem to life”, Tigertail and the Miami Poetry Collective (MPC) have answered it with their new poetry annual. On Thursday, October 14th, Tigertail and the MPC will celebrate the launch of their 8th… poetry book, Tigertail, A South Florida Poetry Annual: Selected Collective, Poetry, Prose and Projects with a reading by the Collective at Books & Books.

In the introduction to the poetry annual, Campbell McGrath, founder of the MPC, writes, “The MPC wants to rescue poetry from the airless box in which American society has locked it away, help it feel the sun on its skin again, maybe toss a Frisbee with it, share a drink or two, let it rub shoulders with the other arts, music and painting and film.” Based on what I’ve read so far, the MPC has liberated poetry from that airless box. The work is precise, energetic, and often hysterical. The book literally breathes poetic fire into the heart and the streets of Miami. As you may already know, MPC’s Poem Depot “pop up” poem store concept has been a big hit.

Besides the Miami Book Fair, the Tigertail/MPC poetry reading is a must for Miami’s literary community and lovers of all things lit.  Come rub shoulders and have a drink or two with the poets from MPC, who will participate in the Books & Books reading. Maybe they’ll even write some on-demand poems just for you. Oh, and bring a Frisbee.

Event: Poetry Reading & Book Launch of Tigertail, A South Florida Poetry Annual: Selected Collective, Poetry, Prose and Projects by The Miami Poetry Collective When: 8:00 pm, Thursday, October 14, 2010.

Where: Books & Books at 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables. Tickets:  Free. Contact www.tigertail.org or call 305 324 4337 for more information.