Top Ten Ways to Celebrate Your Freedom on the Fourth – Knight Foundation

Top Ten Ways to Celebrate Your Freedom on the Fourth

In the age of Twitter, you have to admire this country’s Founding Fathers for their genius in brevity. The mere 45 words that make up the First Amendment guarantee Americans the freedoms that are the cornerstone for American democracy.

Yet, only 1 in 25 Americans can name the First Amendment’s five freedoms ‘ and the majority can only come up with one.

That’s why the 1 For All campaign was founded ‘ to remind Americans about how they use these freedoms daily. The campaign kicks off today, with concurrent ads in more than 1,000 media outlets, an embeddable video with LL Cool J and Sandra Day O’Connor, and classroom materials for teachers. Knight Foundation, which supports campaigns for freedom of expression and information worldwide, is a lead sponsor.

The campaign has even compiled a top ten list of how to stand up for the First Amendment.’ Here are our favorites:

  • First, learn what it says ‘ make sure you know the five freedoms the First Ammendment guarantees: freedom of religion, speech and press, and the rights of petition and assembly.
  • Tweet for Freedom: Use social media such as Twitter and Facebook to spread the word about the importance of the First Amendment.
  • Stay informed. Free speech is even better when we know what we’re talking about. Read. Learn. Share.

And finally, as you begin your holiday weekend, remember to celebrate the 1st on the 4th: Fly your American flag during the July 4th holiday, knowing that the right to wave it is protected by the free speech guarantee of the First Amendment, the campaign says.

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