Update: Kukuli Velarde – Knight Foundation

Update: Kukuli Velarde

Last year the Knight Foundation made a $1,000,000 grant to United States Artists, an organization that celebrates and supports the individual artist in America. Each Knight award comes with an additional $5,000 grant for the artist to create a community engagement event.  Our first United States Artist Knight fellow, Ceramicist Kukuli Velarde, has parlayed her grant into a new ceramics workshop in the basement of the West Kensington Ministy Church in Philadelphia. Kukuli’s enthusiasm and dedication to the project and impressive and infectious, as show clearly seen in her reports from the field. Today, Kukuli and her husband,  partner and fellow ceramicist Doug Herren are reaching out for help. The duo is soliciting funds to purchase a $3500 kiln for their students. Click here to donate & learn more about the initiative.