Watch and listen to the kinetically powered “Tri-Cycles” at the Schubert Club Museum
Here in St. Paul, new music has never been so accessible. Uninitiated listeners looking for inviting points of entry and seasoned fans alike need not look far to find a variety of offerings, thanks to the efforts of folks like Kate Nordstrum (curator of Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra’s fabulous Liquid Music series), and artist-led organizations like American Composers Forum and Studio Z, who’re dreaming up all manner of thoughtful programming geared toward cultivating wider audiences for original, contemporary compositions.
CRASH aboard the Pipesercycle, Xylocycle and Stringsercycle. Photo courtesy of the Schubert Club and the artists
If this sort of thing is up your alley, take note: Tuesday evening this week, the Schubert Club (a Knight Arts grantee) is hosting a particularly interesting performance as part of their intimate “Live at the Museum” series. The kinetically-driven musicians of CRASH will perform “Tri-Cycles,” a piece created and led by composer Mary Ellen Childs, written to be played on a set of unique, stationary bike-powered instruments created by Minneapolis-based visual artist Norman Andersen.
Not only will audience members watch and hear this work performed on Stringsercyle, Pipesercycle and Xylocycle, they will have a chance to hop on and “ride” the instruments themselves after the show. All ages are welcome, and at $12 per ticket, admission is affordable enough to consider keeping the younger set out late on a school night.
“Tri-Cycles,” composed and led by Mary Ellen Childs and performed by CRASH, will take place Tuesday, November 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the Schubert Club Museum, Landmark Center 205, 75 Fifth St., St. Paul. The venue only seats 50, so it’s prudent to reserve in advance if you plan to attend. For more information, visit www.schubert.org/concerts/live-at-the-museum.
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