Watch As Opera Hits the Farmers Market in a “Random Act of Culture” – Knight Foundation

Watch As Opera Hits the Farmers Market in a “Random Act of Culture”

Watch as The Charlotte Observer reports on a Knight-sponsored “Random Act of Culture.”

Strolling through a farmers market at lunchtime in Charlotte is always a treat. Sniffing the just-picked peaches, choosing a perfect ruby red tomato – those are usually the highlights.

My visit to Atherton Market was made even better Tuesday when opera filled the air. Yes, I knew a musical surprise was planned as part of Knight Foundation’s new Random Acts of Culture series, so I waited with some anticipation. But my friend did not know what was about to happen.

First startled, she quickly became totally enthralled as singers from Opera Carolina serenaded each other and their unlikely audience. Shoppers pulled out camera phones and joined the throng of professional photographers on hand. Wide-eyed children and suit-clad dads alike applauded enthusiastically as yet another singer joined in.

Knight’s grant to the Arts and Science Council to organize these Random Acts of Culture accomplished its goal, I’d say. I didn’t poll the crowd, but I’m guessing many have never been to an Opera Carolina performance at the performing arts center downtown. But, now they’ve experienced the beauty and passion of Puccini, and hopefully they’ll want to hear more.