Weird destination: next stop Hialeah
Hialeah is a state of mind as much as a physical place. A badge of honor to some, it also has been ridiculed as a wasteland. What’s great about the city (it’s the fifth largest in Florida) is that it has a bit of everything – it’s quirky and kitchy, a working class town with the second-largest Cuban population in the country with its own version of politics and South Florida culture. It’s known for its racetrack, its famous baseball-playing and musician native sons, its flamingos and its strange landmarks.
All that’s why Hialeah will be the next stop on the Weird Miami Bus Tour (a Knight Arts grantee), started by the artist-run BFI, and this time led by Spring Break, made up of the artists Domingo Castillo, Patricia Hernandez and Kathryn Mark. They first hauled a bus around what they call “the meat of Miami” during Art Basel, and are back for an encore. Jokes aside, “WuTz Up 2013 Weird Hialeah” will be a good chance to find out about this great, and unique, enclave, without having to do the driving yourself. “Have you ever wondered who is behind the beats to the Freestyle classic ‘Diamond Girl?’” they ask. “What a giant snail would look like in spray concrete? How many celebrities are honored in Hialeah?”
One stop: Hialeah.
Oh, and since we are not driving, we can explore the nooks and crazy crannies with some libations – they have a liquor sponsor for this bus ride.
The bus leaves from BFI’s new home at 100 NE 11thth St., Miami at 12:30, and will go till about 6 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 10; tickets cost $25 in advance, $35 on day of the tour. Visit for tickets.
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