Welcome Wynwood Ways
Residents and visitors of Wynwood can now enjoy the neighborhood’s first permanent artistic crosswalk, marked by a work that seeks to transform the intersection of Northwest Second Avenue and 25th Street. The effort is part of the Miami Biennale and WADA’s ‘Wynwood Ways’, a collaboration to make the neighborhood a more pedestrian-friendly cultural destination.
The artistic crosswalk, which will be dedicated to visionary Tony Goldman, consists of a kinetic design by Maestro Carlos Cruz-Diez that changes as the pedestrian is crossing. Cruz Diez’s work can be seen on the walkways of the Marlins Stadium and outside the Museum Fine Arts Houston.
Adding the first layer of paint. Photography by Jose Nava
The abstract geometric design is being donated by renowned artist Carlos Cruz-Diez and is supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Fund at The Miami Foundation. The Miami Biennale and WADA’s Wynwood Ways, made possible with the support of the Knight Foundation, The Miami Foundation, the City of Miami and the Cruz-Diez Foundation, is the first step in making Wynwood a great pedestrian neighborhood.
![Second layer – DONE! Photography by Jose Nava](https://knightfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/img_0903.jpg)
Second layer – DONE! Photography by Jose Nava
“Since the Wynwood Ways initiative aims to the beautification, education, as well as culturization of the streets in Wynwood, as it was envisioned by Tony Goldman many times during his lifetime, it makes sense to dedicate the first crosswalk to visionary Tony Goldman,” Miami Biennale Vice-President, Ariana Testamarck Orellana said.
Miami Biennale and WADA’s goal is to actively seek support from public and private institutions to continue enhancing the Wynwood Community. Click here for additional information.
![Final Product [Bird's Eye View] Photo Courtesy of Ray Cruz / VP, Atlantic Paving](https://knightfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/cruz-diez-crosswalk_comp.jpg)
Final Product [Bird’s Eye View] Photo Courtesy of Ray Cruz / VP, Atlantic Paving
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