What’s Your Idea? Knight Arts Challenge Miami 2011 Launches Soon – Knight Foundation

What’s Your Idea? Knight Arts Challenge Miami 2011 Launches Soon

Let the creativity begin! The 2011 Knight Arts Challenge Miami officially begins accepting applications Feb. 7. Created to unite South Florida through the arts, the Challenge has granted over $14 million dollar to 78 nonprofits, companies and individuals in the past four years. 2010 winners include ArtSouth, the Borscht Film Festival, the Palm Beach Poetry Festival and WDNA-FM 88.9. Will you be on the 2011 list?

Start thinking about your application. There are just three simple rules:

  1. The idea must be about the arts
  2. The project must take place in or benefit South Florida
  3. Applicants must find funding to match the Knight Foundation grant

If you’ve got a great idea for the arts, let us know! Read our Knight Arts Challenge FAQ for more info. Submission deadline is March 2, 2011.