Words of wisdom from a Knight Arts Challenge winner: Black Pearl Chamber Orchestra – Knight Foundation

Words of wisdom from a Knight Arts Challenge winner: Black Pearl Chamber Orchestra

Last May, the Black Pearl Chamber Orchestrawas one of 36 winners named in the first year of the Knight Arts Challenge Philadelphia.  The orchestra’s winning idea to give audiences free, hands-on conducting lessons in front of professional musicians and a live audience won the organization $25,000.  They’ll kick off their iConduct! series with four free events between May and July of 2012.“Founded in 2007, the BPCO is the only professional orchestra in the region, and one of few in the country, to champion ethnic diversity in classical music.  Founded by award-winning Music Director Jeri Lynne Johnson, one of the only African-American women conductors on the scene today, the orchestra is dedicated to normalizing minority participation in classical music through concerts and innovative community programs of the highest artistic and educational standard, performed by ethnically diverse musicians who represent Philadelphia’s rich cultural diversity.” (via www.blackpearlco.org)

We talked with the orchestra’s Executive Director Julia Rubio about the  iConduct! project and got some tips on the Challenge application process for this year’s for prospective applicants.

Knight Arts: What made you decide to apply to the Knight Arts Challenge?

Julia Rubio: The opportunity to receive funding for a project near and dear to the BPCO made the decision to apply to the Knight Arts Challenge an easy one.  Not only did we feel this award would give our small organization notoriety, but it would help the orchestra advance its mission with innovative programming that we otherwise would not have had the funds to do.  The Knight Arts Challenge allowed us to dream big and use our creative assets to fulfill our mission, serve our community and the field of classical music.

Can you tell us more about your winning idea and what people can expect when they come to an iConduct! session?

The BPCO invites anyone who has ever waived a toothbrush or a soup ladle in time with their favorite recording to come out this spring and summer and try conducting a real live symphony orchestra! The BPCO will perform well-known works and invite audience members up on stage to receive a mini-conducting lesson with the Maestra, Jeri Lynne Johnson.  There will be four free iConduct events between May and July 2012 and will take place at fabulous venues such as the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts and the Mann Center.

How are you approaching your year of raising funds to match Knight’s grant? Now that you’re about 5 months into your efforts, what has been most successful for you so far?

The BPCO has used this opportunity to bring first time prospective donors and sponsors into the BPCO family.  The visibility of the award and the excitement surrounding iConduct has been a powerful tool in capturing the interest of new corporate sponsors and individual donors. We have found that supporters are enthusiastic about having their contributions matched, knowing that the impact of their gift will be doubled.

Do you have any advice for this year’s applicants?

My advice to this year’s applicants is to enjoy the process!  Use this opportunity to think creatively and strategically about the kind of project that will advance your mission, career, and artistic vision in a meaningful and substantial way. Be realistic about what you can and cannot accomplish as well as the size of the budget – matching the funds is no easy task!  An authentic, well-thought-through, innovative, yet achievable project will surely win the hearts of the panel.

Submit your best idea to the Knight Arts Challenge here, by Oct. 31.