Bahia Ramos Synnott – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Bahia Ramos Synnott

  • Communities

    Photo credit: Silicon Valley Gives. For many community foundations, Giving Days have been a great way to cultivate donors for their community’s nonprofits, while raising millions for local causes. Several funders have gained so much expertise in this area, that they have shared their own tools and templates for the broader field in Knight Foundation’s Giving […]

    Article · July 8, 2015 by

  • Communities

    2013 Give to the Max Day via Last year, as Giving Days became increasingly popular, Knight Foundation looked for a way to help the community foundations organizing them make these online giving campaigns even more effective. Related Links  Media Learning Seminar 2014 Agenda Community Information Resources “Join us – virtually – for a conversation […]

    Article · February 12, 2014 by

  • Communities

    Opportunities for Leadership: Meeting Silicon Valley’s Information Needs from Knight Foundation on Vimeo. Knight Foundation recently released a report on operating prize contests and challenges, “Why Contests Improve Philanthropy.” Below, Bahia Ramos, director of community foundations for Knight, writes about the impact of the Knight Community Information Challenge. The Knight Community Information Challenge has received more than 1,000 proposals […]

    Article · August 28, 2013 by

  • Communities

    The following is cross-posted from Markets for Good. Above: The Miami Foundation celebrates after raising $1.2 million for 300 local nonprofits during its inaugural Give Miami Day.  For many community foundations, giving days — online fundraising marathons — are a way to engage new donors. The process popularizes philanthropy so that anyone with Internet access and a bankcard […]

    Article · July 25, 2013 by

  • Communities

    To help community foundations gain digital skills and better meet resident’s information needs, Knight recently announced its support to expand the efforts of the Knight Digital Media Center. The University of Southern California-based center will offer community foundations virtual and in-person trainings, regional seminars and more. The announcement came during this year’s Council on Foundation’s fall conference in New Orleans, where […]

    Article · September 11, 2012 by

  • Communities

    Photo Credit: Flickr user pamhule As our colleagues head to New Orleans this week for the Council on Foundations fall conference, the city’s community foundation is serving as a great example of investing in ways to keep residents informed about local issues. In recent years, the Greater New Orleans Foundation invested in a local news site […]

    Article · September 5, 2012 by