Knight Foundation – Page 3 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Knight Foundation

  • Learning and Impact

    Empowering Decision-Making through Research:  Knight Foundation and Georgetown University Commit $30 Million Washington, D.C. – The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and Georgetown University announced today the launch of a new institute to serve as a central hub for the growing network of scholarship that seeks to shape how technology is used to […]

    Article · May 23, 2023 by

  • other

    We conduct robust assessments of our program investments to understand their overall impact and progress towards a desired outcome. We do this to further impact, guide future investments, establish best practices and to drive outcomes. We publish insights so that others in the field may benefit from our learning.  Past Knight assessments can be found […]

    Article · May 17, 2023 by

  • other

    Hodding Carter III has died. He led a life dedicated to service. He believed to his core in the power and benefit of informed and engaged communities in our democracy.  Hodding was a newspaperman, a diplomat and a teacher. He held the Knight chair in journalism at the University of Maryland before being named president […]

    Article · May 13, 2023 by

  • other

    Five artists receive $50,000 each; third edition of Shift Space features essays on art and media (MIAMI, FL –– May 10, 2023) The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation today announced the recipients of the 2023 Knight Arts + Tech Fellowship, an initiative that supports artists working with innovative approaches to technology and new […]

    Article · May 9, 2023 by and

  • other

    The Knight Arts + Tech Fellowship, managed by United States Artists, aims to provide artists with unrestricted funding to support their work, as well as fostering a network of practitioners and professionals in the field. This initiative facilitates new opportunities for collaboration both within Knight cities and beyond. We’re proud to present the 2023 Knight […]

    Article · May 9, 2023 by and

  • Learning and Impact

    This article is the first article in a three-part series. Read the second article here and the third article here. The American public’s trust in institutions continues to erode – particularly confidence in organizations that provide news and information. Yet, a new study from Gallup and Knight Foundation finds that many Americans turn to individuals […]

    Article · April 25, 2023 by and

  • Learning and Impact

    This article is the second article in a three-part series. Read the first article here and the third article here. Recent data from Gallup and Knight Foundation show that about nine in 10 Americans follow at least one public individual for news and information (see additional findings and full methodology statement here). To dig deeper, […]

    Article · April 25, 2023 by and

  • Learning and Impact

    This article is the third article in a three-part series. Read the first article here and the second article here. The latest study from Gallup and Knight Foundation shows that a majority of U.S. adults turn to at least one public individual as a source of news and information. Considering the continued decline in trust in the […]

    Article · April 25, 2023 by and

  • Journalism

    We know diversity has a significant impact on the quality of journalism. More diverse staffs can produce a wider range of stories and perspectives. They can provide inclusive content, an imperative for the longevity of any media platform. With better representation of communities, a diverse newsroom can also build audience trust and even make news […]

    Article · April 3, 2023 by and

  • other

    Led the transformation of the Knight brothers’ legacy for a new era, investing over $2.3 billion to support informed, engaged and inclusive communities through journalism, arts, economic development and research MIAMI, FL — Alberto Ibargüen, president of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation since 2005, publicly announced his decision to retire from the […]

    Article · March 24, 2023 by

  • Journalism

    Broadening local legal services, enhancing journalist safety and continuing support of the First Amendment We’ve mentioned in previous issues of the newsletter that Knight is currently examining the best ways to build up infrastructure within the journalism community and produce an ecosystem that is functional, sustainable, diverse, and scalable. That infrastructure should be built on […]

    Article · March 14, 2023 by and