Dylan Terry – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Dylan Terry

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    An art piece’s effect on society is usually an afterthought for artists and their audience.  The majority of what gets produced is within the realm of art for art’s sake, self referential and aside for the general innate appreciation of aesthetic value, understood only by artists or viewers with an extensive art or art history education.  […]

    Article · October 2, 2009 by

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    More favorably than anticipated, county commissioners recently voted to cut only 30% of the funding for county arts grants, making the county’s contribution to the arts $8.6 million for the coming year.  However, until October 6th arts grantees remain uncertain as to exactly who gets what of the remaining balance.  Public funding that will be […]

    Article · September 28, 2009 by

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           In lieu of my usual post covering one event or idea, today I report on a few creative events that filled the weekend.  These included a slightly controversial capture the flag game pitting U.S. against Al-Qaeda, the Future Classic Festival featuring art (including my own) in the nontraditional setting of a music festival, and the reggae […]

    Article · September 15, 2009 by

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    Venturing up the ramp to the second floor of the Bass Museum, one encounter’s The Endless Renaissance, which is on display until October 4th. Curated by guest curator Steven Holmes, the exhibit draws parallels between contemporary art and not only art from the Renaissance, but  from Baroque, Romantic and Gothic Periods as well. Peter Friedl (b. […]

    Article · September 4, 2009 by

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         When entering the first exhibit space at Miami Beach’s Bass Museum, one sees what appear to be two miniature tree houses precariously balanced on single branches that seem to hold the structures against the ceiling.  They are actually birdhouses made by British artist Simon Starling (b. 1967), which is made apparent by the tweets of songbirds […]

    Article · September 1, 2009 by