Ed Paisley – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Ed Paisley

  • Technology

    This piece is one of a series that looks at the Knight News Challenge winners, and their thoughts on future trends, on the occasion of the challenge’s 10th anniversary.  Laura Weidman Powers believes the challenge facing people of color and the U.S. economy today is this: “As tech powers the economy and shapes our world, […]

    Article · November 16, 2017 by

  • Technology

    This piece is one of a series that looks at the Knight News Challenge winners, and their thoughts on future trends, on the occasion of the challenge’s 10th anniversary. Long before Barack Obama exploded onto the national scene to capture the Democratic presidential nomination, Ian Rowe was trying to figure out how to ignite the youth vote […]

    Article · November 16, 2017 by

  • Technology

    This piece is one of a series that looks at the Knight News Challenge winners, and their thoughts on future trends, on the occasion of the challenge’s 10th anniversary.  From a garage in D.C., Eric Gundersen and his team changed the way people around the globe interact with and help their community. It all began with a […]

    Article · November 16, 2017 by

  • Technology

    This piece is one of a series that looks at the Knight News Challenge winners, and their thoughts on future trends, on the occasion of the challenge’s 10th anniversary. VR pioneer Nonny de la Peña still recalls the thrill she experienced in 2010 when she received her first grant from Knight Foundation – a $200,000 award […]

    Article · November 16, 2017 by