Elise Hu – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Elise Hu

  • Journalism

    Photo: The Aspen Instiute Roundtable on Net Neutrality this week. Credit: Aspen Institute. Despite the Internet being essential to life as we know it in 2014, only a small percentage of people understand how it really works. Without business and policy leaders who “get it,” misguided decisions about how the network is governed and regulated […]

    Article · August 13, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    Photo credit: Knight Foundation on Flickr. This year’s Media Learning Seminar featured an interactive human-centered design workshop and a slate of fantastic speakers on issues ranging from solution-centered journalism to the biggest tech trends. A lot of conversation and inspiration packed the two-and-a-half-days, so we have rounded up our cheat sheets and takeaways so you […]

    Article · February 19, 2014 by

  • Communities

    Above from left to right: Alberto Ibargüen, Karen Freeman-Wilson, Dan X. O’Neil and Waldo Jaquith. Photo credit: Knight Foundation on Flickr. Not all governments are eager to share the raw datasets that can reveal areas of need or problems that foundations can help solve. This challenge — making available public data in a clear, understandable way — has been central to […]

    Article · February 18, 2014 by

  • Communities

    Photo credit: Knight Foundation on Flickr. An approach to problem solving called “human-centered design” starts with a simple premise: How can we help people live better? Whether it’s creating a new gadget or device, or coming up with solutions for social issues in a city, a design-thinking framework blends actual human behavior with what’s technologically feasible […]

    Article · February 18, 2014 by

  • Communities

    Above: Amy Webb. Photo credit: Knight Foundation on Flickr. WebbMedia Group Founder and digital media futurist Amy Webb looks at prototypes, patents and societal trends to forecast the near future in technology. But how will the emerging tech trends affect the work of community and place-based foundations? At today’s Media Learning Seminar, Webb outlined four big ideas: Data and the […]

    Article · February 18, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    Above, from left to right: Alberto Ibargüen, president of Knight Foundation; Kelly Ryan, CEO of Incourage Community Foundation;  Chris J. Daggett, president and CEO of the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation; and Emmett Carson, CEO of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Photo credit: Knight Foundation on Flickr. As technology continues shaking up the traditional media landscape, it’s leaving […]

    Article · February 17, 2014 by

  • Communities

    Photo credit: Knight Foundation on Flickr. The way we live today, surrounded by so much information and misinformation, presents a critical challenge: How do you make good decisions about how to best serve a community? Finding the answers can be difficult for many community and place-based foundations. RELATED LINKS  Media Learning Seminar 2014 Agenda Community Information […]

    Article · February 17, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    Above: Participants gather for a Pew Research Center and Knight Foundation roundtable on the stability of nonprofit news. A full video of the discussion will be available soon. Related Link “Rieder: Support crucial for non-profit journalism” in the USA Today Dozens of nonprofit newsrooms sprang up in the latter part of the last decade, fueled […]

    Article · September 26, 2013 by

  • Communities

    Sustainability is formally defined as the “capacity to endure,” but non-profits know that simply enduring isn’t enough. Instead, the real goal for media ventures or collaborations should be something like “thrivability,” says Knight Foundation’s John Bracken. At this year’s Media Learning Seminar, leaders from KCRW, the NPR member station in Los Angeles; the Sundance Institute, […]

    Article · February 12, 2013 by