Eric Newton – Page 11 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Eric Newton

  • Journalism

    Never mind the big words. ‘Computational journalism’ is all about’using modern tools to do’news in the public interest. The ‘computation’ part refers to the use of computers to create, understand and display the news. Sarah Cohen is a Knight journalism chair focused on this new form of watchdog reporting. The ‘computational journalism’ initiative is organized […]

    Article · November 9, 2009 by

  • Communities

    In USA TODAY, Don Campbell writes that media executives’are’the ones responsible for the future of news.’”Publishers and news executives face perilous challenges, but they don’t need, nor should they accept, help from government at any level,” he says. ” They have to save themselves.” Campbell wants’to squash a controversial idea by former Washington Post Editor […]

    Article · October 28, 2009 by

  • Journalism

    ‘From Marly Falcon, Knight Foundation contributing blogger: People are easily lured in by the sweetness, beauty, smell and sometimes even intoxication of certain plants. What if plants have their own hidden agenda that we didn’t know about? ”””””’ Michael Pollan, Knight Chair in Science and Technology Reporting, is featured in’a two-hour long documentary based on […]

    Article · October 27, 2009 by

  • Journalism

    From Eric Newton, VP/Journalism, Knight Foundation: CPJ’s Global Campaign Against Impunity — the legal impunity’too often enjoyed by’those who would murder journalists — has produced a bright red infographic detailing the cases of 758 journalists killed since 1992.’ The graphic leads a new section of the CPJ web site launched this week. Here’s how you […]

    Article · October 20, 2009 by

  • Journalism

    From Eric Newton, VP/Journalism, Knight Foundation: What’s cool about News 21 — the investigative reporting project now in its fourth year at’top U.S. journalism schools — is not just that the students are producing Changing America stories worthy of being used by the nation’s largest newspaper group.’ It’s that they are also inventing new digital […]

    Article · October 20, 2009 by

  • Communities

    From Eric Newton, VP/Journalism Program, Knight Foundation: Much well-deserved buzz over the Reconstruction of American Journalism, a new report by Leonard Downie, Jr., and Michael Schudson. To its credit, Columbia Journalism Review is reporting even critical reaction. Harvard’s Nieman Journalism Lab calls the report “a welcome palate cleanser.” The report supports easier nonprofit designation for news […]

    Article · October 19, 2009 by

  • Journalism

    From Eric Newton, VP/Journalism, Knight Foundation: Big news day: The Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy has released its’report. National coverage from the AP, Washington Post and many others.’ Friday’s launch featured pledges from the leaders of the Federal Communication Commission and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, as well as […]

    Article · October 4, 2009 by

  • Journalism

    From Eric Newton, VP of Journalism, Knight Foundation: At Harvard, Shorenstein Center’s Alex Jones gets attention for his latest book, Losing the News. The Pulitzer winner and Harvard prof describes the “erosion” of traditional news media. (See too President Obama’s remarks at the Walter Cronkite memorial.) Shorenstein is trying to improve the future of news as […]

    Article · September 10, 2009 by

  • Journalism

    From Eric Newton, VP of Journalism, Knight Foundation: A lot of people know Haynes Johnson. He’s one of the nation’s leading political journalists. You see him on TV’s Meet The Press. He’s got a big new book out, The Battle For America, explaining once and for all the story behind the historic’election of ’08. You […]

    Article · September 3, 2009 by

  • Journalism

    From Eric Newton, VP of Journalism, Knight Foundation: Stop the presses … The Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly has published a piece of writing with a’relatively good’Flesch readability score‘… “Changes in Professionalism…”‘(Summer 2009 edition), by David H. Weaver et. al., starts this way: “In 2002, Knight Ridder was one of the biggest newspaper companies in the United States. Time […]

    Article · September 2, 2009 by

  • Journalism

    From Eric Newton, Knight Foundation VP of Journalism: Much summertime discussion, at, also at the Aspen FOCUS web page, and elsewhere, about the new ecosystems of news. Heard Google’s Marissa Mayer talk again about the “story” being the “unit of organization” in the digital news world. We think about news in terms of individual […]

    Article · September 1, 2009 by