Eric Newton – Page 6 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Eric Newton

  • Journalism

    Two Knight partners are coming together in a webinar next week designed to get everyone on the same page with the State of the News Media 2012. It’s the latest Webinar from Poynter’s NewsU, and features Tom Rosenstiel, who founded and directs the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism. Tom Rosenstiel The one-hour webinar, costing $10.95 and set […]

    Article · March 23, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    Those books by Knight grantees just keep on coming. The latest from Jeff Jarvis, entrepreneurial journalism guru who runs the Tow-Knight Center at the City University of New York, looks to be one of the best so far. It’s ‘Gutenberg the Geek,’ a Kindle Single – and it connects the media technology dots in a highly readable, relevant way. The […]

    Article · March 22, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    Media fluency just took another step forward with the launch of the Knight-funded Daily Download, with quick video tips explaining digital tools to help citizens navigate cyberspace. The Baltimore Sun reviewed the new site well.  Examples of the videos (syndicated nationwide by public television stations) are here. One video, which explores the future of Google+, is featured […]

    Article · March 19, 2012 by

  • Communities

    The latest cookbook for nonprofit news ventures comes today from the Investigative News Network, supported by Knight, is an eclectic mix of big, small, old, new, national, local, digital, print, neutral and progressive nonprofit news organizations. As you might expect, its recipes for success are as varied as sushi and Boston baked beans. The white paper, […]

    Article · March 14, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    Today’s is the final of three posts looking at the media, data and elections. This time, Russia is the topic.    First, it’s hard to know if last week’s election numbers are solid. The western press writes of election fraud. Some problems are admitted. Other reports say all was well. Yet we have the numbers […]

    Article · March 13, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    Today we serve up the first of three election/media blog posts. They’ll range from serious data analysis (today), to a story tip and a wild hunch about media history. This season’s Super Tuesday primary races were covered by the full-fledged data-mapping project Patchwork Nation, founded with Knight funds, and now run through the nonpartisan Jefferson Institute. Patchwork Nation’s […]

    Article · March 8, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    Clay Johnson argues for infoveganism at the Center for Civic Media. Photo Credit: Flickr user J. Nathan Matias. Noteworthy journalism and media books by Knight partners keep coming. These two made me want to flash back to two previous blogs: Killing the Messenger: Thomas Peele of the Bay Area News Group has written a story that […]

    Article · March 1, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    Knight Foundation journalism and media innovation team members met Saturday with 18 Knight Chairs in Journalism from all across the country to talk about new projects and new ideas. A few of the new projects: · – This web site tests new technology to see what works and doesn’t for journalists. Knight Chairs Sarah Cohen and team at Duke University […]

    Article · February 18, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    Above: A previous meeting of Knight Chairs and foundation staff in Austin, Texas. This weekend, the Knight Chairs in Journalism are meeting in Miami to discuss what they’ve done this past year, what they’re planning to do, and why. These are accomplished professionals with university tenure at two dozen campuses in the United States. They […]

    Article · February 17, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    Jeff Jarvis, along with students and faculty at the opening of the Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism in New York City. Over the past week, I’ve written about the steady stream of books written by Knight journalism and media innovation partners. Here’s the third and for the time being final batch of highlights: ·       Jeff […]

    Article · February 15, 2012 by