Jessica Hodder – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Jessica Hodder

  • Journalism

    (Above) Knight News Challenge: Elections reviewers meet at the Knight Foundation offices headquartered in Miami. Photo by Jessica Hodder.  Nineteen advisers have joined us in Miami this week to review the 46 semifinalists in Knight News Challenge: Elections. The challenge closed on March 19 with more than 1,000 entries to the question: How might we […]

    Article · May 1, 2015 by

  • Journalism

    Downtown Austin during SXSW 2015. Photo by Flickr user Ed Schipul. The tech industry converged on Austin, Texas, for SXSW Interactive, which began March 13 and ends today. It’s been a time for networking, demos, panels and learning about trends and insights on what’s next in tech. Knight Foundation teams were particularly interested in hearing […]

    Article · March 17, 2015 by

  • Journalism

      Photo by Jessica Bolaños. The SXSW panel “Real Talk on Civic Tech” could be summarized in a quote shared by Andrew Rasiej and attributed to Nick Grossman during the session: “We don’t need more civic apps; we need apps to be more civic.”  The Saturday panel, comprised of Knight Foundation VP of Media Innovation John […]

    Article · March 17, 2015 by

  • Communities

    Photo by Jessica Hodder. Nine advisers arrived in Miami this week to help us review the finalists in the first Knight Cities Challenge. One hundred twenty ideas moved forward, with emerging themes that included bringing public life into public spaces; supporting a changing urban economy; building connections between communities; and more. The challenge asked the question, What’s your […]

    Article · February 27, 2015 by

  • Arts

    Challenge winners DJ Le Spam and the Spam Allstars perform at the South Florida awards ceremony. Photo by Patrick Farrell. If you live in South Florida, Detroit, St. Paul, Minn., or Akron, Ohio, we hope you’re getting those ideas ready. The Knight Arts Challenge will open in those cities in coming months, and we’ll be […]

    Article · January 13, 2015 by

  • Communities

    Community Block Party attendees check out participating nonprofit organizations during the event. Photo courtesy of The Miami Foundation. Once online donations passed last year’s record of $3.2 million, organizers at The Miami Foundation realized that Give Miami Day 2014 would be their most successful Giving Day yet. RELATED LINKS “10 lessons for Giving Days, and […]

    Article · November 21, 2014 by

  • Arts

    MIT Media Lab composer Tod Machover. Photo by Priska Ketterer. What does Detroit sound like? Today, Knight Foundation is announcing a new partnership with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and Composer Tod Machover of MITto find out by creating a collaborative symphony by, for and with the people of Detroit. Below, Machover writes about the process that will be […]

    Article · November 19, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    Photo by Jessica Hodder. Eighteen advisers arrive in Miami this week to help us review the semifinalists in Knight News Challenge: Libraries. Forty-two ideas moved forward in the challenge, which asked the question, How might we leverage libraries as a platform to build more knowledgeable communities. You can learn more about the on the News […]

    Article · November 4, 2014 by