marika.lynch – Page 7 – Knight Foundation
Articles by


  • Arts

    Challenge winner Big Night in Little Haiti brings the community together around great music. Credit: Rhythm Foundation In the past week alone, South Dade opened a new theater, Overtown residents and artists painted a community mural, and a Miami filmmaker won big at Sundance. Meanwhile, local playwrights are getting a chance to put their works onstage in […]

    Article · January 27, 2014 by

  • Arts

    ‘Yearbook’ Trailer from The Playlist on Vimeo. For Bernardo Britto, the road to Sundance was paved with 2,000 drawings, by hand, pencil on paper – a rarity these days for animators. It paid off. The South Florida native’s animated short film – produced by the Knight-funded Borscht Corp. – just won Sundance’s Short Film Jury […]

    Article · January 23, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Above: Knight Arts Challenge winner Ranjana Warier reinterpreted Western classics through Indian dance. Photo credit: Flickr user Knight Foundation. We’re days away from opening applications for the 2014 Knight Arts Challenge, which funds the best ideas for the arts in South Florida. This is our seventh edition of the challenge. And over the past few years, we’ve […]

    Article · January 20, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Knight Arts Challenge winner Ranjana Warier reinterpreted Western classics through Indian dance. We’re days away from opening applications for the 2014 Knight Arts Challenge, which funds the best ideas for the arts in South Florida. (Update: applications now open.)  This is our seventh edition of the challenge. And over the past few years, we’ve increasingly […]

    Article · January 17, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Last year, CriticCar set out with a video camera to capture cultural events across Detroit, and asked attendees to review what they had just seen. “I saw how empowering it was for them to be handed a microphone and asked on video to give their opinion about something happening in their community,” founder Jennifer Conlin […]

    Article · December 12, 2013 by

  • Arts

    Last year, CriticCar set out with a video camera to capture cultural events across Detroit, and asked attendees to review what they had just seen. “I saw how empowering it was for them to be handed a microphone and asked on video to give their opinion about something happening in their community,” founder Jennifer Conlin […]

    Article · December 12, 2013 by

  • Communities

    Photo credit: Flickr user Communities Foundation of Texas. When you’re running a 24-hour online giving campaign, that big day is sure to feel like stepping on a treadmill where an invisible hand keeps increasing your pace until you are in a full-out sprint. Frenetic is a good word for it, but there are lots of ways […]

    Article · November 11, 2013 by

  • Arts

    Whether you’ve lived here for a month or 10 years, Miami is a city that is constantly revealing itself.  I’ve spent a lifetime walking, biking and driving this city, and I still find new layers and neighborhoods, people and ideas that make me look at my hometown in new ways. I thought about this as […]

    Article · November 10, 2013 by

  • Journalism

    Above: Knight’s Eric Newton presents during a NewsU webinar, “Six Things Educators Can Do Right Now to Go Digital.” A full recording of the webinar is available online, with registration. Journalism educators, here’s something that might put you at ease: to go digital in the in the classroom, you don’t have to be an expert on all things […]

    Article · October 31, 2013 by

  • other

    Above: Detroit celebrates its 2013 Knight Arts Challenge winners. Photo credit: Knight Foundation. In an in-depth series on Detroit, the Chronicle of Philanthropy today singled out the art sector’s important role in pushing the city forward. “Despite the city’s financial woes, Detroit’s cultural life is in many ways thriving—and some hope it is a harbinger of better days […]

    Article · October 21, 2013 by