Mark Glaser – Page 3 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Mark Glaser

  • Journalism

    Hearken, Newspack and Journalism 360 offer boosts in engagement, revenue and immersive journalism for local publishers The doom and gloom surrounding local news in the U.S. often feels like a story destined for misery. About 1,300 communities across the country lost news coverage between 2004 and 2018, according to a study by Penelope Abernathy, the […]

    Article · January 30, 2020 by

  • Journalism

    As the local news marketplace transforms, these new ways of doing business could take hold next year and beyond Predictions are a tricky business, but there is one sure thing for 2020: local news publishers cannot depend on the old ways of doing business. The time for chain newspapers wielding a monopoly in communities is […]

    Article · January 7, 2020 by

  • Journalism

    Here’s who is inspiring us with their innovation, their drive and their dedication to serving local communities Despite the struggles of legacy media business models, 2019 was also a year that saw great progress in transforming and reframing the narrative around local news in our country. This alphabetical round-up of 14 inspirational local news leaders […]

    Article · December 20, 2019 by

  • Journalism

    Diversify, diversify, diversify is the motto as local news publishers come up with creative business ideas to reach sustainability There was a time not that long ago when local news was supported by a few simple revenue streams: advertising, subscriptions and memberships. As legacy local media organizations struggle to maintain those revenue lines, the upstart […]

    Article · December 18, 2019 by

  • Journalism

    These pieces highlight the best of collaborative journalism, community engagement and national-local partnerships. Many of the publications listed in this round-up are participating in NewsMatch, an annual fundraising drive that supports nonprofit news by matching your donations! Find your favorite news organization and give today.  This selection of 13 local stories that made a difference […]

    Article · December 16, 2019 by

  • Journalism

    If local news outlets are to survive and thrive, publishers and journalists need training in everything from business to leadership to innovation If you were to train the perfect local news journalist or publisher, you would make sure they had a good grasp of digital business, used innovative reporting techniques, listened to and engaged deeply […]

    Article · December 9, 2019 by

  • Journalism

    Goldberg discusses her time at ProPublica and what it takes to build sustainable revenues at nonprofit news organizations “If you don’t believe the mission you’re in the wrong job.” So says Debby Goldberg, who has made a career of fundraising for the Center for American Progress, Brooklyn College, Human Rights Watch, and is currently at […]

    Article · November 21, 2019 by

  • other

    Local foundations are stepping up to fund nonprofit, for-profit and collaborative journalism projects around the country. Here is how to join them. BY MARK GLASER Place-based foundations typically focus their energy on supporting nonprofits and charities in their geographic area, but rarely have they thought about supporting local news. But that has changed dramatically in […]

    Article · November 8, 2019 by

  • Journalism

    CLICK HERE TO READ AN EXTENDED VERSION OF THIS REPORT. Local foundations are known for directing grants to nonprofits in their towns, but not as much for supporting local news. That equation is changing, as more place-based foundations see watchdog journalism faltering. Many times they have an “a-ha” moment when they realize that no one […]

    Article · November 7, 2019 by