Michele McLellan – Page 3 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Michele McLellan

  • Communities

    Photo Credit: Flickr user .distracted As New Orleans prepares to become a major city without a daily newspaper, a foundation-supported online news start-up this week documented residents’ love of the local Times-Picayune. Starting this fall, the paper will be printed and delivered only three days a week. That’s a blow for a city with lots of […]

    Article · June 7, 2012 by

  • Communities

    A student journalist with The News Outlet has won a top award for investigative reporting in Ohio. The News Outlet is a two-time winner of the Knight Community Information Challenge. The project, based at Youngstown University, partners student journalists, who report important local stories, with established media organizations that publish them. It is also funded by the Raymond John Wean Foundation. Christine […]

    Article · May 14, 2012 by

  • Communities

    The first issue of Dakotafire, a 2011 Knight Community Information Challenge winner, is online. Dakotafire works with eight local newspaper partners to produce a quarterly publication that explores important regional issues in the James River watershed area of North and South Dakota. The project is funded by the South Dakota Community Foundation. “Dakotafire’s alliance of reporters and editors work […]

    Article · May 9, 2012 by

  • Communities

    The Knight Community Information Challenge requires a short initial application. Then, selected applicants are invited to submit a longer, more detailed proposal. The initial application, due Feb. 27, must be completed online and gives us enough summary information to understand the idea. If we like your idea, you will be invited to complete a full proposal […]

    Article · February 24, 2012 by

  • Communities

    Community foundations that win the Knight Community Information Challenge receive more than funding to develop their idea. Because news, information and digital opportunities represent a new frontier for many foundations, Knight provides important additional resources: ·     The Media Learning Seminar, a gathering of foundation leaders to explore ways to meet information needs. The next Media Learning […]

    Article · February 17, 2012 by

  • Communities

    RELATED  “Collaboration and Connection: How Foundations Partner Effectively to Address Their Community’s Information Needs” by FSG Social Impact Advisers in Publications As community foundations become active leaders in local news and information, many are learning they don’t need to go it alone. A variety of different partnership models are emerging and they are detailed in […]

    Article · February 15, 2012 by

  • Communities

    Photo Credit: Noah Berger Thinking about applying to the Knight Community Information Challenge? Circuit riders may be able to help you and your foundation refine ideas or anticipate and surmount potential challenges. Circuit riders have expertise in a variety of areas, including project development, journalism, social media and digital technology. They are Knight Foundation contractors […]

    Article · February 10, 2012 by

  • Communities

    Only place-based foundations can apply for the Knight Community Information Challenge. If you are an innovator in local news, you may be able to approach local foundations about participating in the challenge to fund your idea. The Knight Community Information Challenge is part of Knight’s Media Innovation Initiative, which seeks to help communities meet their information […]

    Article · February 6, 2012 by

  • Communities

    What is the Knight Community Information Challenge looking for? So far, the contest, offering matching funds to community and place-based foundations, has funded a wide variety of ideas – and Knight is always looking for fresh approaches. In general, Knight is looking for projects that help fill community information needs, foster community engagement and help residents participate […]

    Article · January 31, 2012 by

  • Communities

    What’s in a name? Plenty for one foundation that is revolutionizing its approach to leadership in its community. That’s why the Community Foundation of Greater South Wood County in central Wisconsin has a new name: Incourage Community Foundation. “Our work has grown and adapted to changes in our community in the last decade,” said Kelly […]

    Article · January 30, 2012 by

  • Communities

    The 2011 Knight Community Information Challenge Winners The Knight Community Information Challenge is open to all community foundations in North America. It is also open to geographically-oriented foundations that have a place-based focus similar to a community foundation. That’s because place-based foundations are in the best position to meet the core needs of their communities, […]

    Article · January 25, 2012 by