Michele McLellan – Page 2 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Michele McLellan

  • Communities

    The following information is cross-posted from the Knight Digital Media Center. It is written by Knight Community Information Challenge Circuit Rider Michele McLellan. Photo credit: Flickr user bluefountainmedia. Do web metrics make your eyes glaze and your heartbeat increase? Help is on the way. Knight Community Information Challenge Circuit Rider Susan Mernit will offer a free hands-on webinar […]

    Article · April 4, 2013 by

  • Communities

    The following information is cross-posted from the Knight Digital Media Center. In a unique partnership, MIT and the Incourage Community Foundation in central Wisconsin, have developed What’s Up, an initiative that delivers real-time employment service information to residents who are not online, where job information is usually found. Representatives of Incourage and MIT Center for Civic Media will discuss What’s Up in a […]

    Article · March 19, 2013 by

  • Communities

    The following is cross-posted from the Knight Digital Media Center’s blog. The Lens, an investigative news organization serving New Orleans, has been granted 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax status by the IRS after a 26-month wait. “This IRS  declaration marks a new chapter in the life of The Lens,” Karen Gadbois, co-founder, said. The organization will celebrate its third anniversary on […]

    Article · December 13, 2012 by

  • Communities

    The following is cross-posted from the Knight Digital Media Center’s blog. Above: a Community News Commons workshop.  Noah Erenberg, convener for Winnipeg’s Community News Commons, spends a lot of time training contributors to the citizen news site. He holds workshops that reach different segments of the community, thanks to partnerships with a local library, a college […]

    Article · December 10, 2012 by

  • Communities

    The following is cross-posted from the Knight Digital Media Center’s blog. Photo Credit: The Rapidian. Mainstream news organizations have had mixed results with citizen news reporting. While crowd-sourcing efforts such as CNN’s iReport and Help Me Investigate have yielded valuable information, many other efforts have foundered, often on journalists’ expectation that citizen-created news must look like what the professionals produce to […]

    Article · November 27, 2012 by

  • Communities

    Photo Credit: Flickr user carfull…Wyoming There’s a lot of housing data in the Washington, D.C. region, from lists of owners and addresses to numbers of code violations, but it can be close to impossible for researchers and policy makers working with the data to pull it into one easy to manage, coherent whole.  The recent Knight […]

    Article · October 15, 2012 by

  • Communities

    The Community News Commons, a citizen reporting news site in Winnipeg, is now live online with a formal launch planned for the fall. Noah Erenberg, its community news commons convenor, said 80 people have registered to become contributors. Many have posted stories, some on a regular basis, Erenberg said. The Commons is a project of The […]

    Article · August 1, 2012 by

  • Communities

    Above: Inside the ProPublica newsroom. Photo credit Flickr user propublica. The News Outlet, a two-time winner of Knight’s Community Information Challenge based at Youngstown State University, has attracted an important partnership with ProPublica, a leading national investigative reporting organization. Stephen Engelberg, managing editor of ProPublica, will help lead an Advanced Reporting course at Youngstown State University in the fall, working […]

    Article · July 31, 2012 by

  • Communities

    The Lens, a two-time winner of the Knight Community Information Challenge, won big at this year’s local Excellence in Journalism Awards.  The site, supported by the Greater New Orleans Foundation, received three first-place awards, including Best Local News Website. Nola.com, the site of the local Times-Picayune newspaper, came in second.  The Lens also received first place for Best Investigative Story in Print as […]

    Article · July 30, 2012 by

  • Communities

    Above: A video documentary on turaround efforts at a Chicago school  As more and more non-traditional actors take the stage in providing news and information in local communities, it’s valuable to get past the either-or journalist-vs-citizen journalist argument and look at who actually creates value. A new report for The Chicago Community Trust offers significant evidence that […]

    Article · June 21, 2012 by

  • Communities

    The Lens, a two-time Knight Community Information Challenge winner, has won a prestigious national Edward R. Murrow Award. The New Orleans online investigative site won the Audio Investigative Reporting Award for “One homeowner’s travails: Even after more than six years, family can’t move into ‘new’ house.” The report, produced in cooperation with the G.W. Williams Center for […]

    Article · June 13, 2012 by