Reena Agarwal – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Reena Agarwal

  • Communities

    Photo above: Pontevedra, Spain before + after. The city’s renovations turned streets that were dominated by heavy traffic and waste into open public spaces for pedestrians. Photos © Concello de Pontevedra courtesy of Center for Active Design. Reena Agarwal is director of strategic initiatives at the Center for Active Design, which Knight Foundation supports to advance civic engagement. […]

    Article · May 18, 2016 by

  • Communities

    Reena Agarwal is director of strategic initiatives for the Center for Active Design, which Knight Foundation supports as part of its efforts to invest in civic innovators who help cities attract and keep talented people, expand economic opportunity and create a culture of engagement. Today the foundation is announcing $1.8 million in new support for the center. Above: Pontevedra, Spain. Courtesy […]

    Article · October 5, 2015 by

  • Communities

    Reena Agarwal is the policy director at the Center for Active Design, which Knight Foundation supports to advance civic engagement. Photo above: New York City.  Related Link  Center for Active Design to create guidelines for promoting civic engagement using design with $115,000 from Knight Foundation “x” – Press release (09/05/14) Four years ago, a partnership […]

    Article · November 5, 2014 by