Rishi Jaitly – Page 2 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Rishi Jaitly

  • Communities

    Knight Foundation’s Trabian Shorters on BME from Knight Foundation on Vimeo. What motivates you to engage in your community? Why do you lead others? Any Detroiter’s list would surely include an uncommon love of city. Detroit in 2011 is a town bubbling with change agents: loyal and resourceful citizens are working together to create inviting […]

    Article · September 1, 2011 by

  • Arts

    By Rishi Jaitly, Knight Foundation Program Director, Detroit What happens when you mix community engagement, contemporary art, and architectural beauty? That’s the question Knight Foundation’s VP/Arts Dennis Scholl and acclaimed community builder Tony Goldman asked during a joint visit to Detroit last week. Tony Goldman (L) and Dennis Scholl on a site visit to Michigan […]

    Article · May 9, 2011 by