Safiya U. Noble – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Safiya U. Noble

  • other

    On July 29, 2020, I sat glued to my television watching four of the most powerful men in Big Tech testify before the House Judiciary Committee during antitrust hearings. The hearing was an important forum for confronting threats to democracy that stem from monopoly control by technology companies. A few days later, I had the […]

    Article · November 5, 2020 by

  • Journalism

    On Nov. 3, 2019, Knight made a $3.5 million investment in new research to inform the national debate on internet governance and policy, including support for the UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry (C2I2). Sarah T. Roberts, Ph.D., and Safiya U. Noble, Ph.D., of UCLA share details below. A democratic and emancipatory society necessarily must […]

    Article · November 13, 2019 by and