Scott Knies – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Scott Knies

  • Communities

    Photo credit: Scott Knies / SJDA; video: Jamilah Hosan / SJDA. Scott Knies is the executive director of the San Jose Downtown Association. We keep asking people who live and work in Silicon Valley what they want to experience in the valley’s largest urban center: downtown San Jose. It turns out they want to see […]

    Article · July 28, 2015 by

  • Communities

    Above: Images of San Jose from the Downtown Streetlife Plan.  Scott Knies is executive director of the San Jose Downtown Association, a nonprofit that manages the Downtown Business Improvement District in San Jose, one of 26 Knight communities. San Jose, the largest city in the Bay Area and Silicon Valley, is growing rapidly. It is blessed […]

    Article · July 8, 2014 by