Steve Beatty – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Steve Beatty

  • Journalism

    Steve Beatty is the publisher and CEO of The Lens. The Lens is currently one of 57 organizations participating in the Knight News Match, a commitment from Knight to match up to $25,000 in donations to select nonprofit news organizations through Jan. 19, 2017. Former U.S. House Speaker Tip O’Neill famously trumpeted the line, “All […]

    Article · January 3, 2017 by

  • Communities

    Early-morning bus pickups from The Lens on Vimeo. Steve Beatty is the editor of The Lens, a nonprofit, nonpartisan newsroom in New Orleans. Below, he writes about the impact The Lens is having covering local charter schools. A unique reporting effort by a Knight Foundation-funded nonprofit newsroom is creating more openness and accountability in the sweeping charter-school movement in New Orleans. […]

    Article · August 29, 2013 by