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  • Arts

    Kunsthalle is a word that emerged from German-speaking regions during feudal times for a facility that mounts temporary art exhibitions. Many of us here stateside in the 21st century refer to these establishments as galleries. Nevertheless, it was more then just the interesting name Kunsthalle Detroit that piqued my curiosity. My heart did a little […]

    Article · November 29, 2011 by

  • Arts

    In an interview on WDET about the latest show at Hamtramcks Public Pool, participating artist and fashion designer Sarah Lapinski raised the question, “Why do we get dressed?” “Un-Dress Re-Dress” invited nine artists to “explore the possibilities of clothing,” and, from the first step inside the gallery door, it becomes clear that the resulting works are […]

    Article · November 22, 2011 by

  • Arts

    Oh Canada! To be honest, occasionally I forget just how lucky I am to live so close to another country. I can practically see Canada from my bedroom window. I can hear freighters bellowing as they cross the river that divides us, and sometimes the GPS on my phone switches over to kilometers because it […]

    Article · November 18, 2011 by

  • Arts

    Where were you at 11:11 on November 11, 2011… a.k.a 11:11 11.11.11? Luckiest day of the century, luckiest moment? Maybe, maybe not. Regardless of your beliefs in numerology, 11.11.11 did present itself as an amazing day with the grand re-opening of Cranbrook Academy of Art Museum, including the newly constructed 20,000-square-foot collections wing. Located 18 […]

    Article · November 15, 2011 by

  • Arts

    I am beginning to suspect that Detroiters have short-term memory for how the city is changing. It’s hard to believe that the Burton Theatre opened its doors only two years ago as the only art house offering in the city. The project received national attention for its innovative reuse of an old school, diverse and […]

    Article · November 11, 2011 by

  • Arts

    Bearing the bold title “Harbinger: Shifting Culture and New Art from Detroit,” the newest show to be held at Studio Couture Detroit provides a refreshing look into the status of Detroit’s art scene. Curated by Sarah Ayers, the show features six promising young artists hoping “to shed light on Detroit’s burgeoning creative movement.” Although Ayers […]

    Article · November 8, 2011 by

  • Arts

    A short time ago I was having a rough day. I felt the seasons beginning to change as I was wandering around Eastern Market on a bike around sunset. I bumped into a friend who was about to embark on a bike ride with his friend from Italy. It was one of the guy’s last […]

    Article · November 4, 2011 by

  • Arts

    I would be amiss if I did not acknowledge the changing of seasons in this blog, as well as the festive holiday of All Hallow’s Eve, that, at times, can bring out the creativity in all of us — not to mention, glorious amounts of chocolate eating and apple bobbing. After all, who doesn’t really […]

    Article · November 1, 2011 by

  • Arts

    For many artists, dialogue is critical to their development and progress. In an age when the majority of photographers and multimedia producers spend a great deal of their time in front of computers, this real-life conversation can be lost. Photo sharing websites, like Flickr, can provide some feedback, but there is nothing that compares with […]

    Article · October 28, 2011 by

  • Arts

    Images provided by “[sic]” Achille Bianchi and Jonathan Rajewski This poem is called “Punchline related to Ulysses by James Joyce,” read John Brown this past Saturday at the independent bookstore Leopold’s Books during the launch of “[sic],” Detroit’s freshest take on exposing literary talent to the city and the world. “[sic]” (also an editing term used to show […]

    Article · October 25, 2011 by

  • Arts

    “Tête de la Course,” the newest exhibition at Center Galleries and part of the College for Creative Studies, celebrates the world of the bicycle with photographs by Donald Dietz and custom-built bicycles by Detroit Artists Darrin Brouhard, Stephen Lambers Jr., Wayne Neeley and The EastSide Riders, Larry Parker, Neil Shaddox and Ted Sliwinski. Today’s subject is near […]

    Article · October 21, 2011 by