The pandemic has accelerated the decline of local news and created an imminent information crisis, leaving 36,000 newsroom workers laid off, furloughed or facing significant pay cuts. What role should the federal government play in rebuilding the industry? On Episode 15 of “Informed and Engaged,” we’ll hear from Steve Waldman, president and co-Founder of Report for America, an initiative of the GroundTruth Project. He’ll explain the coalition of locally-owned and nonprofit news organizations working on a proposed plan for specific government policies that could help local news — without threatening the First Amendment.
- More information on Rebuild Local News and the work they are doing to save local news through a new public policy plan
- “A Replanting Strategy: Saving Local Newspapers Squeezed by Hedge Funds” by Steve Waldman
- An article of what Report for America is doing for local news, “The role of governments Report for America in rebuilding local news”
- Organizations helping Austin news: Institute for Nonprofit News, The Lenfest Institute, and the Salt Lake Tribune
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Informed & Engaged
Informed & Engaged is a weekly Knight Foundation show that unpacks the ideas and solutions impacting the changing media landscape. Hosted by the Knight Journalism team.
Informed & Engaged