Artist profile: Kathy Leisen and the politics of oddness – Knight Foundation

Artist profile: Kathy Leisen and the politics of oddness

“When you’re thinking about how someone is going to perceive what you’re doing, you’re not in it. And being in it is the point.” – Kathy Leisen

I first encountered Kathy Leisen’s patented brand of professional oddity at the “ANTI-STORY” Good Time Writer’s Buffet, held at Public Pool in conjunction with the “ART AS ANTI-ART IS ART” show that she co-curated there in February. She was the evening’s only reader to perform stand-up comedy, and her offbeat and hilarious performance had the unmistakable air of a creative spirit that spends more energy producing work than fretting about how it is received.

An impromptu conference that leads to a drag race with artist Scott Hocking.

An impromptu conference that leads to a drag race with artist Scott Hocking.

For Leisen, that work may take many forms, but she trends toward performance media like music (with her band, Soft Location) and video installations (including a collaboration for the “ANTI-ART” show with performance artist Bridget Michael), and the occasional stand-up comedy act–which Leisen has practiced, on and off, beginning with “Comedy Club,” an informal open mic with friends that was started during the winter of 2007 to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder. Ultimately the medium is not as important as the experience, for Leisen, of being fully engaged in a creative enterprise. We met on Belle Isle for a 10-lap interview that took place in the tricked-out minivan of artist and longtime Leisen cohort Marybeth Carolan, who graciously acted as chauffeur, as well as contributing to the conversation. We discussed Belle Isle’s status as a Temporary Autonomous Zone being called into question by the increased presence of state police—who pulled up alongside us to demand that we close the sliding door of the minivan, though Carolan maintains we were within our rights.

Artist Marybeth Carolan in the driver's seat.

Artist Marybeth Carolan in the driver’s seat.

Riding in style, interview-as-performance piece.

Riding in style, interview-as-performance piece.

Kathy spoke about her professional work as summer program coordinator at Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture, an artist residency in Maine, but like many highly creative Detroiters, her resume is a laundry list of odd jobs, art engagements, and nonpaying gigs. Such is the never-say-quit world of a professional oddball and fine arts dilettante, in the most admirable sense. Kathy Leisen for President, Secretary, and Treasurer!