How you can advance quality journalism by supporting the Knight News Match – Knight Foundation

How you can advance quality journalism by supporting the Knight News Match

Newspaper publishers John S. and James L. Knight believed that informed and engaged communities are essential to a healthy democracy. Knight Foundation has lived that belief for decades as a leading supporter of journalism. As the industry has evolved, so has our approach, and we’ve expanded our support over the last 10 years to include the work of nonprofit news organizations emerging amid the disruption of the digital age.

As the year draws to a close and many organizations complete fundraising drives, we want to help even more. That’s why we’re launching the Knight News Match. Through Jan. 19, 2017, we will match donations from individual donors to a group of 57 nonprofit news organizations, up to a total of $1.5 million. Individual organizations will receive up to $25,000.

Quality journalism matters. It is a buttress against the torrent of fake news we’ve seen explode in the past year, and it can help rebuild the diminishing trust many people have in society’s core institutions.

In the past, advertising has been the main driver of traditional media, but nonprofit news organizations rely on their audiences, people like you, to help fund their work. We want to help them expand their donor base and grow the resources they need to deliver, fact-based, contextual reporting that sheds light on the people and institutions affecting our society.

The group of organizations eligible for the Knight News Match represent the diverse breadth of the committed organizations that are covering communities at the local and national level. It includes public media, organizations that do sweeping national investigations and small local organizations that are filling the reporting gaps in statehouses and city halls across the country.

Please join us in supporting their important work. Review the list of organizations below and click through to their donations page to make your own contributions. The institution of journalism, and society itself, will be better off because of your support.

Jennifer Preston is vice president for journalism at Knight Foundation. Email her via [email protected], and follow her on Twitter @jenniferpreston. Follow @knightfdn and #newsmatch for the latest on the Knight News Match

The 57 organizations included in the Knight News Match from Dec. 19, 2016 – Jan. 19, 2017 are: