“Inifinite Mile” announces Y1 print edition and November issue release party – Knight Foundation

“Inifinite Mile” announces Y1 print edition and November issue release party

Design for the “Infinite Mile” hard copy release by artist Osman Khan.

This Saturday, November 15, from 6-8 p.m. at the Cass Café will be the release party for the latest issue of “Infinite Mile.” Issue #11 features contributions by Katherine Craig, Colin Darke, Clara DeGalan, Christina deRoos, Alex B. Hill, and Matthew Piper. ∞ mile (“Infinite Mile”) is a monthly online art journal based in Detroit. With 40+ contributors publishing reviews, interviews, writings and artist projects,”Infinite Mile” aims to foster critical discourse in support of art and culture in Detroit. Inflecting on Detroit and its nuanced, experimental and diverse art scene, “Infinite Mile” seeks to document the scene, as well as proliferate and formalize discussions and critique.

Photo by stephen garrett dewyer.

Photo by Stephen Garrett Dewyer.

The launch party will be a great time to celebrate the announcement of a forthcoming printed anthology (designed by “Infinite Mile” contributor Osman Khan) that will include images and all the articles that appeared in the first year of “Infinite Mile” (December 2013 – November 2014). This publication—made possible in part by a Knight Arts grant—is a capstone to the hard work and achievements made by the contributors and editors. The anthology proceeds will help offset operating costs, pay contributors and organize release parties.

The Cass Cafe is the place to be for infinite mile festivities, and the chance to discuss the newest issue content with contributors.

The Cass Cafe is the place to be for “Infinite Mile” festivities, and the chance to discuss the newest issue content with contributors.

Orders placed by Nov. 25th for the early bird special are $68, available for pick-up at the December Issue Release Party, 6 p.m. Dec. 13 at Cass Cafe. After Nov. 25th, the price will increase to $79 plus shipping and handling. The “Infinite Mile shop is online: infinitemiledetroit.com/shop.html. For additional information, contact them at [email protected].

Cass Cafe Art Bar & Restaurant: 4620 Cass Ave., Detroit; 313 831-1400; www.casscafe.com