Moonlight photography benefits cemetery preservation – Knight Foundation

Moonlight photography benefits cemetery preservation

Full Moon Euphoria 2015 benefits cemetery preservation for the Riverside Cemetery and Conservancy.
Photo taken during a past Full Moon Euphoria at the Riverside Cemetery and Conservancy - courtesy of William Haun.

Full Moon Euphoria 2015 benefits cemetery preservation for the Riverside Cemetery and Conservancy. On May 4, the Riverside Cemetery and Conservancy, a Knight Arts grantee, will host Full Moon Euphoria, its annual fundraiser benefiting preservation efforts in the cemetery. The focus of the event is moonlight photography–an activity that is increasingly popular nowadays. During Full Moon Euphoria, professionals will teach those in attendance various techniques that can be used while taking photos at night, either using radiance from the earth’s only natural satellite exclusively, or by combining its luminescence with artificial lighting. (Of course, skill isn’t all you’ll need–equipment like the right camera and mounts play a huge role in capturing a quality view at night.) Shutterbugs of all levels are invited to register for this unique affair at the Riverside Cemetery. This happening is quite unusual because people are not just taking photos in the dark; they are in a cemetery while snapping these pictures. The Riverside Cemetery and Conservancy has been successful at engaging the community by producing many types of signature events that encourage citizens to help with preservation efforts. “Full Moon Euphoria helps the cemetery by acquainting people with its gorgeous landscape–designed by Calvert Vaux–so they will see its importance to the community,” says outgoing Conservancy Director Suzanne Doonan. “Its value to participants is in giving them expert instruction and coaching in the use of low-light photography technique and ‘light painting’ with a variety of subjects: the moonlit cemetery landscape and sculptural monuments, models in costumes, and props and light features. The creative camaraderie of the photographers, as well as the beauty of the cemetery by moonlight, are magical!” Doonan initiated and produced the well-known spirit programs at the cemetery. These themed gatherings happened at least two times each year, during which people who were interred in the cemetery are brought to life by actors and actresses. After a while, Doonan incorporated other folks who weren’t buried in Riverside Cemetery but had significant ties to Macon. Suzanne Doonan’s last day at Riverside Cemetery and Conservancy is April 30. Laura Bell is her successor. Photo taken during a Full Moon Euphoria event at the Riverside Cemetery and Conservancy. Courtesy of William Haun. Each participant must be a least 18 years old to participate in Full Moon Euphoria 2015. A maximum of 40 people can register for this workshop. Online registration is a moment away, by clicking here. Anyone interested in taking the class can sign up as an individual at the cost of $25, as a couple for $40, or as a team of three or four for $60. Each person who registers will sharpen their photography skills along with paying it forward to cemetery preservation. The professional photographers who will instruct the Full Moon Euphoria workshops are Bonnie R. Gehling, Milton Heard, Douglas L. Nurnberger, Jr. and Matthew Odom. Everyone is also asked to bring their own cameras and equipment, although the facilitators will provide visuals and guidance for the twilight photo shoot.   Full Moon Euphoria 2015 will take place on May 4 at Riverside Cemetery, 1301 Riverside Dr., Macon; 478-742-5328;