“One Day in Detroit” takes Detroit by storm Saturday, April 26th (and you can be a part of it!) – Knight Foundation

“One Day in Detroit” takes Detroit by storm Saturday, April 26th (and you can be a part of it!)

The countdown is on for One Day in Detroit. All day Saturday, April 26th, hundreds of filmmakers, community organizations, and citizens will be hitting the streets to film responses to 10 questions, posed to create inspiration for visual investigations:

1. Why are you in your city? 2. What do you love about your city? 3. What is the best thing happening in your city today? 4. What are your city’s biggest challenges? 5. Who is your city not serving? 6. What is the worst thing that could happen to your city? 7. What are the solutions that your city needs to implement? 8. How are people changing the future of your city? 9. What do you hope for your city in the next 20 years? 10. Ask your own question about your city.

Stephen McGee is a two-time Emmy Award-winning filmmaker and has been based in Detroit since 2004.

Says Producer Stephen McGee, of the project: “This is your chance to help create a TV Series and Geo-tagged archive featuring stories that matter most to you. This is a historic film project that gives you the power to tell your unique story and show the world what a day in the life of your city is like—through your eyes. You have the opportunity to have your voice heard, to share your personal portrait of the city and to help determine the future of your city.”

The event is an offshoot of the One Day on Earth film project, and will result in a TV series on the future of American cities that will feature select captured footage and run on local PBS affiliates. Detroiters of all stripes are encouraged to visit the website, make a profile, and then swing into action on Saturday, creating footage that addresses any or all of the questions, tells their stories and reveals our city in all of its details.

Don’t miss a chance to be part of changing the story for Detroit!