Red Bull House of Art brings forward the lastest batch of residents – Knight Foundation

Red Bull House of Art brings forward the lastest batch of residents

The opening night crowd, with arrows helpfully directing attention towards an otherwise unassuming street entrance in the Eastern Market warehouse district.

The latest manifestation of the Red Bull House of Art in Detroit opened on Friday, November 15, showcasing the work of its new batch of artists: Dessislava Terzieva, James Oscar Lee, Joshua Gaudette, Michael Eugene Burdick, Paula Schubatis, Sydney James, Tadd Mullinix, and Tagë Lee. The organization held its grand opening back in May of 2012, and since then has sponsored a rotating cycle of artists in short studio residencies, with each studio residency period producing eight weeks of dedicated work. The seven artists from the Metro Detroit area are chosen by curator Matt Eaton.

The opening night crowd down at basement level, where most of the work is on display.

The opening night crowd down at basement level, where most of the work is on display.

The opening night was the usual melee, with those there to party, those there to appraise the scene, and certainly those there to buy work by this hot batch of newcomers. Michael Eugene Burdick was one of the standouts, with medium-scale paintings, some cohesive, some that featured dreamscape-like images with figures such as dinosaurs floating against gray backgrounds.

Artist Mike Burdick (center left), in conversation with some opening night patrons.

Artist Mike Burdick (center left), in conversation with some opening night patrons.

Burdick's work can be quite playful; all of it is very minimalist, foregoing backgrounds and tightly controlling the palate.

Burdick’s work can be quite playful; all of it is very minimalist, foregoing detailed backgrounds and limiting the palette.

Weaver and painter Paula Schubatis, who made her debut at the 555 Gallery some months ago, was another of the residents, and has expanded her already diverse palette to include more offbeat media, including the incorporation of caution tape into her woven works.

Schubatis' studio space shows the ephemera of both her painted and woven works.

Schubatis’ studio space shows the ephemera of both her painted and woven works.

In the long work on the far right, you can see an example of Schubatis' new caution tape technique.

In the long work on the far right, you can see an example of Schubatis’ new caution tape technique.

Perhaps the most conceptual artist of the residency is Joshua Gaudette, whose displayed work includes deftly re-appropriated Americana and an animal carcass stretched on a frame.

Works by Joshua Gaudette.

Works by Joshua Gaudette.

Overall, a strong field for the House of Art, although the opening night is more suited to surveying rather than serious contemplation, and the breakneck speed of both residency and gallery sessions cannot help but affect the experience for both artists and viewers.

Red Bull House of Art: 1551 Winder St., Detroit; 313-638-2971;