SparkMacon hosts a hackathon to create software for nonprofit and civic organizations – Knight Foundation

SparkMacon hosts a hackathon to create software for nonprofit and civic organizations

HackMacon@SparkMacon, a two-day event.

For many, the first thought that comes to mind when someone mentions the word ‘hack’ is crime. However, the context of the word has more of a positive connotation than some people are aware of. In fact, hacking may have started off as a good thing until it was used to do bad things. Now that we are living in a world of do-it-yourself, the better half of hacking has the potential to go mainstream.

People from all walks of life gather for “hackfests,” which can last from one day to a week or longer. Many major applications and software programs have been created from these events. Sometimes, large sums of cash as an award are used as an incentive to help people form teams to participate in the hack sessions. Another component that drives a hackathon involves subject-matter challenges for the participants. For instance, HackMacon–which will take place this Saturday, February 28th–has been charged to come up with technology solutions for Friends of Tattnall Square Park, Historic Macon, Local Digital Services Census, Macon Arts Alliance, SparkMacon, U.S. City Open Data Census and Work on Civic Issues on GitHub.

The requests involved in these challenges can range from creating a QR code to formulating a mobile application for an existing website. The main tasks associated with producing a hackathon include making information more accessible, hands-on and user-friendly from our digital devices. The host for the HackMacon weekend is Stephen Finney. Everyone who saves a space at HackMacon needs to bring their own laptop or tablet. The challenges have been posted, and you can click here to view them. Food will also be served on both days. Remember, this session is not just for computer experts. There’s a call for all types of people to get involved to tackle these digital issues.

HackMacon is a two-day event that starts on February 28 at 9 a.m. and ends on March 1 at 5 p.m. at SparkMacon, 557 Cherry St., Macon; 478-569-6475;