Trumbullplex provides art, action and activism on behalf of Marie Mason and the NATO 3 – Knight Foundation

Trumbullplex provides art, action and activism on behalf of Marie Mason and the NATO 3

Gary Wagman spoke about events before the NATO 3 arrest, before reading some of his poetry reflecting upon the experience.

On Thursday, May 29th, Trumbullplex, “Detroit’s sexiest anarchist collective,” hosted a fundraiser to benefit Marie Mason and the NATO3, activists who have been jailed for a series of offenses viewed to be unjust in the eyes of their fellows. The event was a true Trumbullplex classic mix of art and activism; interspersed between performances by local bands and poets, speakers took the stage to share stories and experiences—both personal and on behalf of those incarcerated—which convey a troubling police state and legal response to activism, largely justified under the guise of labeling it as “eco-terrorism.”

Two female MI CATS spoke about the tar sand pipeline.

Two female MI CATS spoke about the tar sands pipeline.

Among the speakers were Barb—who served jail time and currently is facing $37,000 in fines for her involvement with the Michigan Coalition Against Tar Sands’ (MI CATS) attempts to blockade trucks serving an Enbridge tar sand pipeline that was responsible for a toxic leak near Kalamazoo in 2010, and is currently expanding—and event organizer Gary Wagman, a longtime Detroiter who has returned after spending two years in Chicago dealing with legal fallout around the same trial involving the “NATO 3”— Brent Betterly, Jared Chase and Brian Jacob Church. There were also speakers on behalf of activist Marie Mason.

Other local issues were also addressed, including the search for a new home for philosopher-dog, Frank (center).

Other local issues were also addressed, including the search for a new home for philosopher-dog, Frank (center).

Between these testimonials were poets Patience Young and Rosie Sharp (of Knight Arts blogging fame), and bands, including Trumbullplex favorite, Collapse. The female-fronted hardcore four-piece turned in a scorching performance to close out the night, with lead singer Ashley going for broke from the first number.

Collapse turned in a scorching performance.

Collapse, shredding hearts, lungs and minds.

Much respect is due to the evening’s organizers and participants, and to the Trumbullplex, whose ‘zine library hosted a prisoner-oriented reading selection for the evening, as well as a letter-writing table to communicate with prisoners. After two decades, it continues to be a locus for grassroots social movements, activism and authentic expression. Long may it stand!

Trumbullplex: 5129 Trumbull, Detroit;