Anne Tschida – Page 41 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Anne Tschida

  • Arts

    Upstairs in one of the galleries at the new Frost Museum at FIU is a strange little shack. The door is slightly ajar, its padlock is open, and a motion light pops on as you move closer. The hesitation you may have about entering this wooden structure is intentional — but go ahead, open the […]

    Article · February 23, 2011 by

  • other

    It’s still depressing to walk around Wynwood on a Thursday afternoon to look at art, and to find you are very much alone — on the streets and in the galleries. So while disappointing, it’s understandable that some galleries, while officially stating that they would be open, weren’t. It’s a problem, however, for a district […]

    Article · February 22, 2011 by

  • Arts

    At this juncture in time, Wynwood’s Second Saturdays are about the barbecues, the pop-up sort-of art and the party. Which is all okay, as long as you aren’t really looking to spend some quality time with much of the better stuff that is out there. It’s too much of a circus for that anymore. But […]

    Article · February 16, 2011 by

  • other

    To make a splash upon arrival to Wynwood these days, you need to pull out all the stops. Or at least if you are KIWI Gallery, which opened Feb. 12, during Second Saturdays. You have to be about art, but in an entertaining way. The gallery’s inaugural exhibit is photography from William John Kennedy, who […]

    Article · February 15, 2011 by

  • other

    There’s been a good amount of talk about art books, and talks about art, around these days. Which is all good. It’s another sign of a maturing community. And there’s good reason for it. For instance, [NAME] publications, funded by a 2008 Knight Arts challenge grant, recently released its latest art book, from Nicolas Lobo, […]

    Article · February 9, 2011 by

  • other

    What makes a house a home is a multilayered thing. There are private and public spaces, touches from everyone who inhabits or even visits it; it becomes a complex space, worthy of investigation. Which is why art that is shown in houses – not in private collections but as public exhibition spaces – takes on complex […]

    Article · February 8, 2011 by

  • Arts

    Run, Skip. Hop. Do whatever it takes to make sure you see the sublime Isaac Julien show at the Bass Museum—two or three times even. Without doubt, Julien is emerging as one of the most important contemporary artists (and filmmakers) today; this solo show proves why. It includes several films and photography, but the centerpiece, […]

    Article · February 2, 2011 by

  • Arts

    Last fall, Enrique Martinez Celaya had four large canvases hanging in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine – a haunting and strange cathedral, a monumental structure never quite finished on a hill in Manhattan, considered the largest Gothic church in the world. But it’s a nice fitting for Martinez Celaya’s work, which is so […]

    Article · February 1, 2011 by

  • Arts

    The small drawings are so quiet and beautiful, revealing a mastery of craft and a great eye for light, that the disturbing subject matter isn’t immediately apparent.  But it doesn’t take long to discover it: gaping holes gouged into the landscape, machines eating the ground. “Breakdown” is a solo show from established artist and long-time […]

    Article · January 26, 2011 by

  • Arts

    It always feels special to go to cities where major museums are free (OK, for a donation)—there’s something so egalitarian and sophisticated about places that support both art and access. Of course, most museums are on shoe-string budgets, and in economic hard times like these, that’s a luxury that institutions can’t afford (and Miami’s museums […]

    Article · January 25, 2011 by

  • Arts

    Art in design is nothing new, and since DesignMiami/ was born, no stranger to the exhibition scene in South Florida either. Artists have become inspired by design and architecture, as well as the other way around. The literal framework of design today can be made by artists (the actual space, the furniture, the decor); it […]

    Article · January 19, 2011 by