Chris Barr – Page 2 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Chris Barr

  • Journalism

    Photo by Flickr urser r2hox. Each quarter, the Knight Prototype Fund supports small teams of media makers, technologists, designers and civic hackers to test new approaches to informing communities. In the last two years we have funded 130 projects through the program with broad experimentation in areas like tools for journalists, use of open data, […]

    Article · February 10, 2015 by

  • Journalism

    In September we launched the 12th Knight News Challenge, on libraries, asking the question, “How might we leverage libraries as a platform to build more knowledgeable communities?” Today we’re announcing 22 winners of that challenge, awarding the recipients a share of $3 million for their ideas. Related Link “Knight News Challenge on Libraries awards $3 […]

    Article · January 30, 2015 by

  • Journalism

    Last week 11 advisers helped us select a group of semifinalists for the Knight News Challenge: Libraries. Today, we are excited to announce that 41 projects have moved to the next stage of consideration. These semifinalists will have a week to fine tune their entries before we begin work with another set of advisers to […]

    Article · October 21, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    RELATED LINKS  “Reimagining libraries as conveners of information and innovation” by Kalev H. Leetaru on Knight blog (09/30/14) “Libraries as leaders: An opportunity for our communities” by Chris Jowaisas on Knight blog (09/29/14) “To build better libraries, start with the needs of people” by Emi Kolawole on Knight Blog (09/25/14) “Powerful ideas push the boundaries of what […]

    Article · September 30, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    Photo: Analyzing geodata. Credit: (cc) Kris Krüg on Flickr. Often, when evaluating ideas for our Prototype Fund we ask ourselves and our reviewers to consider, “What might we learn from this project?” That simple question combined with an eagerness to accelerate new solutions to information challenges energizes us to embrace experimentation as a pathway to […]

    Article · July 17, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    Photo credit: Chris Barr. Sometimes you have a great idea, and you just need time, space and some capital to test it. Seventeen projects will get that chance as the latest recipients of Prototype Fund grants from Knight Foundation.   The Prototype Fund is designed to give people with great concepts for media and information projects grants of $35,000 […]

    Article · April 22, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    Above: Knight Prototype Fund participants gather at the LUMA Institute. Photo credit: Chris Barr. Often good ideas just need the time and space to see if they work. That’s an opportunity 24 projects will get with new funding from the Knight Prototype Fund. They’re each receiving $35,000 to test new approaches to informing the public. In […]

    Article · January 22, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    “Our object is not to know the answers before we do the work. It’s to know them after we do it.” — Bruce Mau Every day my colleagues and I have the unique privilege of working with people developing new technology and approaches for media and information. Through our Prototype Fund and other programs we […]

    Article · October 7, 2013 by

  • Journalism

    Above: Employable? is an early prototype for the Making it in America project by DataToys. This week team members from 10 media and information projects are traveling to Pittsburgh to kick off their projects with a crash course in human-centered design. As part of the Knight Prototype Fund grant program, these workshops, facilitated by LUMA […]

    Article · September 18, 2013 by

  • Journalism

    Knight News Challenge OI Engine: How the Platform Works from Knight Foundation on Vimeo. We’re now accepting submissions for Knight News Challenge: Health. During the next two weeks, ending at 5 p.m. ET on Sept. 17, we invite anyone and everyone to submit a project with an answer to the question, “How can we harness […]

    Article · September 3, 2013 by

  • Journalism

    Last year Knight Foundation announced a prototype grant for a project called FOIA Machine to automate access to public records. It now exists as working prototype, but it isn’t quite ready for public release. A week ago, FOIA Machine, a project of the Center for Investigative Reporting, announced a Kickstarter campaign to help finish development. […]

    Article · July 23, 2013 by