Chris Sopher – Page 3 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Chris Sopher

  • Journalism

    Today in Miami, we’re gathering 16 journalists, engineers, and entrepreneurs to help us review the semi-finalists in the latest Knight News Challenge, on mobile.   By the end of the day, we hope to have 10-12 finalists that we’ll examine more deeply over the next few weeks. (If you are one of those finalists, you can […]

    Article · October 5, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    This morning, we announced the winners of the Knight News Challenge: Data. We’d also like to share the 15 finalists. While we weren’t able to fund all of them, we enjoyed getting to know more about the people and ideas behind them, and hope to see them come to life in the months ahead. We’ve heard […]

    Article · September 20, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    Knight News Challenge: Data Winners from Knight Foundation on Vimeo. UPDATE: Watch the winners present their projects via web stream at 1 p.m. PDT/ 4 p.m. EDT Saturday Sept. 22 here. Today we’re excited to share with you the winners of the Knight News Challenge: Data. First, some background: We ran the contest for three weeks, ending June 20. And we sought […]

    Article · September 20, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    Photo credit: Flickr user Eole  This evening, we’re gathering 19 leading journalists, technologists and civic innovators in New Orleans to explore what’s next in local news. We’ll be focussing on what a local news organization designed today for 2013 would look like. This meeting builds on convenings we held we held each of the last […]

    Article · September 13, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    Photo Credit: Flickr user girl_onthe_les There are only four days left to submit your application to the Knight News Challenge: Mobile, which closes at noon ET on Sept. 10. If you’re still thinking about how to form your idea, have questions that aren’t answered by our FAQ or want to clarify anything about the application, you […]

    Article · September 6, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    Photo Credit: Flickr user girl_onthe_les Update: News Challenge Office Hours: Get your questions answered at 1 p.m. ET on Friday, Sept. 7. Related: A deeper look at the News Challenge application questions and How to make your News Challenge: Mobile application stand out We’re excited to announce the theme for the third Knight News Challenge of 2012: mobile. We hope […]

    Article · August 14, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    Today in Boston, Knight is sponsoring Awesome Summit: Connect, an Awesome Foundation conference focused on rethinking and democratizing philanthropy. (You can follow the conversation via the Center for Civic Media’s blog and on Twitter via #awesummit.) We became a part of the Awesome Foundation community last year, when we funded the creation of the Awesome Foundation News Taskforce, starting with a […]

    Article · July 23, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    Based on the comments from our team of advisers who helped review the apps and our internal own review, we’ve selected and are in the process of contacting 16 finalists in the Knight News Challenge: Data. Over the next two weeks, we’ll be doing in-person interviews or video chats with each of them them. We’ll […]

    Article · July 19, 2012 by