CSchwartz – Page 4 – Knight Foundation
Articles by


  • Arts

    Human beings are far from the only creatures that construct habitations for themselves, but the process of architecture certainly poses significant challenges that other species are blissfully ignorant to. At the Philadelphia Art Alliance, these very same obstacles become objects for alteration, investigation and amusement at the hands of artist Christina P. Day for her […]

    Article · November 6, 2014 by

  • Arts

    What would happen if an art exhibition didn’t come to a definitive end? Now, better yet, what would happen if a piece of art would continually change based on the interpretations of many minds across time and space? One could say that many artworks, once let loose in the public sphere, develop meanings and associations […]

    Article · November 4, 2014 by

  • Arts

    The “Blind Handshake” of Fjord is a chance to dig beyond the narratives and intentions we tend to build up around our work in order to explore the more absurd and humorous aspects, whether planned or not. Physical comedy, glorification of the mundane, or even unadulterated absurdity occur in many of the images produced by […]

    Article · October 30, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Bobby Silverman at The Clay Studio presents an extensive body of work composed of the industrially produced ceramic tiles made commercially popular by his company Alsio Design. This Knight Arts grantee showcases Silverman’s work, which resides in a multitude of creative domains including painting, design, philosophy, language and, of course, ceramics. Through his layered approach […]

    Article · October 23, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Shamanistic rituals filled with enigmatic symbolism are occurring at Practice Gallery in the most fancy of ways: Fancy Dutch ways. Anyone familiar with the Pennsylvania Dutch (German) immigrants that populated many parts of the Keystone State through the 17th and 18th centuries might also know about their patterned ceramics or their kaleidoscopic hex signs. But […]

    Article · October 21, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Presenting the ongoing research from Queensland College of Art in Australia, the “Design in Flux” exhibition at Crane Arts staged by DesignPhiladelphia is a spectacular investigation into where design is now and where it’s headed. By addressing design as an ongoing process as opposed to a finite end, the many contributors utilize their expertise in […]

    Article · October 16, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Spending a ton of time in the studio? Ever wish your artwork could just make itself? Whether or not any of this applies, Little Berlin has a surprise for you this month with its show “Heavily Scripted: Generative Art And Bots” curated by Lee Tusman. Although the artworks here are not exactly self-made, they represent […]

    Article · October 14, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Two relatively infamous and unconnected events from the 1970s are being given a new treatment at Napoleon this month thanks to the exhibit “Holding Our Own” by artist H. John Thompson. A hijacker popularly known by the alias ‘D.B. Cooper’ disappeared without a trace along with $200,000 after rerouting a plane from Portland, Oregon to […]

    Article · October 9, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Culling its name from the two sons of Zeus – Apollo and Dionysus – who are allegorically intended to represent reason and chaos or emotion respectively, the current multi-artist show at the Painted Bride Art Center is alive with artwork that digs into the psyche in order to discover how and why we make what […]

    Article · October 7, 2014 by

  • Arts

    For Jen McCleary, the creative process involves assembling a unified vision of surreal and scientifically based parts regardless of the medium. In the Hall at Crane Arts, the InLiquid artist lines up over a dozen of her collages – both digital and cut paper – in a content heavy, illustrative montage of outer space, biology, […]

    Article · October 2, 2014 by