Fernando González – Page 10 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Fernando González

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    OpenEnglish.com on Vimeo. Entrepreneurial stories often involve a good initial idea, long hours and a few rejections followed by several failures. But we all love good endings. So Thursday evening, about 95 aspiring entrepreneurs came to hear Andrés Moreno, 31, co-founder and CEO of Open English. The online English school started in 2006 in his apartment in […]

    Article · May 5, 2014 by

  • Communities

    “I am Offering This Poem” via YouTube Va a ser difícil  que los que defienden el poder transformador de la palabra escrita encuentren un argumento más potente, o conmovedor,  que la historia de vida del poeta Jimmy Santiago Baca. Related Link “From prisoner to poet: Jimmy Santiago Baca appears at O, Miami” by Fernando González […]

    Article · April 25, 2014 by

  • Arts

    “I am Offering This Poem” via YouTube Those who argue for the transformative power of the written word will be hard pressed to find a more potent, or moving, argument than the life of poet Jimmy Santiago Baca. Related Link “De prisionero a poeta: Jimmy Santiago Baca lee en O, Miami” by Fernando González on KnightBlog.org His […]

    Article · April 25, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Por las próximas semanas, la poesía será el lenguaje de Miami. Pero O, Miami , el festival de poesía de un mes de duración, apoyado por Knight Foundation, es una ambiciosa propuesta que va más allá de lo literario. Este año, el evento incluye un énfasis aún mayor en programas en español, un enfoque en […]

    Article · April 9, 2014 by

  • Arts

    For the next few weeks, poetry is the language of Miami. But the monthlong O, Miami poetry festival, funded by Knight Foundation, is an ambitious proposition well beyond the literary. This year, the event includes a greater emphasis on Spanish language programming, an approach highlighted by encounters among substantial Cuban poets living stateside and on […]

    Article · April 9, 2014 by

  • Communities

    Photo credit: Luis Olazabal. The first MIA Music Summit, celebrated at the New World Center in Miami Beach Monday, combined everything an event that brought together music, technology and entrepreneurship could offer, and more. RELATED LINKs “Una nueva mezcla para músicos y empresarios en Miami” on KnightBlog.org “Music and tech: A new beat for Miami” on […]

    Article · March 26, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Photo credit: Luis Olazabal. El primer MIA Music Summit, llevado a cabo en el New World Center en Miami Beach este lunes, combinó todo lo que se puede esperar de un evento que involucra música, tecnología y espíritu empresario — y más. RELATED LINs “Music and tech: A new beat for Miami” on KnightBlog.org “A new […]

    Article · March 26, 2014 by

  • Arts

    ‘Deep City’ trailer from Knight Foundation on Vimeo. Well before Miami Sound became a brand name, there was a Miami sound. It came together in the mid ’60s and it was soul and funk as only Miami could make it. It was raw and gritty. It was built on the sanctified grooves of church and street life, the brash […]

    Article · March 13, 2014 by

  • Communities

    Photo credit: Flickr user Ines Hegedus-Garcia. As much an idea as a city, Miami has long established itself as a place of opportunity and reinvention. Now the MIA Music Summit wants to expand on Miami’s growing reputation as a place for innovative startups. The weekend-long event, which concludes with a full day of activities at the […]

    Article · March 11, 2014 by

  • Communities

    Photo credit: Flickr user Ines Hegedus-Garcia. Miami es una ciudad y una idea, un lugar de oportunidades y reinvención. Ahora, el MIA Music Summit quiere alimentar la creciente reputación de Miami como el lugar de emprendimientos innovadores. Este evento, que transcurrirá a lo largo de un fin de semana (marzo 22 al 24), concluirá con un […]

    Article · March 11, 2014 by