Lisa King – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Lisa King

  • Communities

    Lisa King is executive director for Summit Metro Parks in Akron, Ohio. Knight Foundation recently announced new funding to Summit Metro Parks, focused on connecting Akron’s downtown revival to neighborhoods across the city.  There is a palpable buzz in Akron– the kind that signals exciting things to come. You can feel it within our growing arts […]

    Article · January 9, 2018 by

  • Communities

    Lisa King is executive director of Summit Metro Parks, an Akron, Ohio, partner in the Reimagining the Civic Commons national initiative.  “Inspiration” is an interesting word because it means something different to everyone and conjures a uniquely personal feeling. But where you have inspiration you certainly have passion. For Akron’s Reimagining the Civic Commons team the spigot of […]

    Article · September 29, 2016 by