Matt Stiles – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Matt Stiles

  • Journalism

    KnightBlog is sharing data visualizations from this week’s MIT-Knight Civic Media Conference, focused on the future of news and information and the theme “The Story & the Algorithm.” For more, follow #civicmedia and @knightfdn. People following and attending the MIT-Knight Civic Media Conference yesterday posted more than 2,600 tweets with the #civicmedia hashtag. This chart shows the […]

    Article · June 19, 2012 by

  • other

    KnightBlog is sharing data visualizations from this week’s MIT-Knight Civic Media Conference, focused on “The Story & the Algorithm.” For more, follow #civicmedia and @knightfdn today and Tuesday. Knight Foundation received roughly 1,000 applications for the Knight News Challenge on networks.  The applications came throughout the challenge period, which stretched from Feb. 27 to St. Patrick’s Day, March […]

    Article · June 18, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    Roughly 300 people from across the country and the world will gather today to talk about the future of news and information as part of today’s MIT-Knight Civic Media Conference in Cambridge, Mass. Since the theme is ‘The Story and the Algorithm,’ we decided to produce some data visualizations around the conference and its content. The first, […]

    Article · June 18, 2012 by