Nathaniel Wallace – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Nathaniel Wallace

  • other

    During the pandemic, the world was thrust into facing the reality of the racial inequity and injustice that had long existed but was hidden away in some seldom talked about corner. Then one manifestation of that — the inequities in access to technology commonly referred to as the “digital divide” — took on new urgency […]

    Article · October 29, 2021 by and

  • Communities

    On Feb. 25, 2021, Knight Foundation announced nearly $2 million in support for projects catalyzing equity in Detroit’s Historic North End. Knight’s Nathaniel Wallace shares more below. See the press release here. Over the last five years, Knight Foundation has proudly supported Detroit’s small businesses, journalism, and arts and culture with the belief that an […]

    Article · February 25, 2021 by