Rosie Sharp – Page 25 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Rosie Sharp

  • Arts

    Big art times are beginning with a kickoff reception on Wednesday, April 10, as Art X 2013 will fill the Sugar Hill Arts District and surrounding Cass Corridor area with a five day blowout featuring work by past Kresge Grant recipients. More details available at the MOCAD about opening night registration. Festivities begin at the […]

    Article · April 9, 2013 by

  • Arts

    Traditional Ukrainian pysanky, written by artist and teacher Dr. Luba Petrusha. One interpretation of Easter traditions is that they reflect a point where the rising tide of Christianity incorporated the preexisting rites of pagan culture and other religious solstice and fertility celebrations. Though the oldest existing remnants of pysanky or “Ukranian Easter eggs” (pronounced “pih-son-kih” with […]

    Article · April 5, 2013 by

  • Arts

    Able-bodied art patrons test their abilities against “Able Objects” at Public Pool. Saturday night’s opening of “Able Objects” at Public Pool, featuring the work of Real OK Design (a.k.a. artist Aaron Blendowski) presented a trifectarial appeal to my particular sensibilities: functional sculpture, appropriation of common objects, and art you can touch. These aspects make perfect […]

    Article · April 2, 2013 by

  • Arts

    “The Meaning in Making” is part of the ongoing “How is Your School?” taking place into April at 2739 Edwin Gallery. Spring is coming (the occasional flurries notwithstanding), and you can tell by the uptick in weekend events stirring loudly to life. This weekend the truly gridiron hit the streets for the annual Marche du […]

    Article · March 26, 2013 by

  • Arts

    Why do it yourself when we can do it together? One of the common misconceptions about DIY culture is that consumers are saving money by making for themselves what would otherwise be mass-produced. With rare exception, a cost-benefit analysis will show that mass production has the edge when purchasing raw materials (mass demand creating the […]

    Article · March 19, 2013 by

  • Arts

    2739 Edwin to host a timely conversation about education. There are few issues in Detroit more politically or emotionally fraught than the state of the Detriot Public School system. In this regard, Detroit is perhaps an extreme example, but by no means the sole instance of breakdown of the concept and execution of public education. As […]

    Article · March 15, 2013 by

  • Arts

    2739 Edwin brings the music. It is easy to restrict one’s thinking about what it means to be a musician. The life of a professional cellist, for example, may evoke images of long years of training that culminate in the ability to flawlessly execute works of the great classical composers. Even within jazz or the recent […]

    Article · March 12, 2013 by