Building the Capacity to Innovate and Adapt: 2019 Cohort Members – Knight Foundation

Building the Capacity to Innovate and Adapt: 2019 Cohort Members

Sixteen Philadelphia arts organizations are participating in a workshop series focused on capacity-building for innovation. 

The series, Building the Capacity to Innovate and Adapt, is designed and facilitated by EmcArts, which hosts national leadership development programs for change-makers in the arts and cultural sector.

We sought applications in August 2019 from arts organizations in greater Philadelphia of all artistic genres and sizes. The 16 organizations were selected to participate in a series of six half-day workshops in Philadelphia between October 2019 and January 2020. 

Often, arts organizations are focused on survival and applying technical solutions to daily challenges in their work. This training offers them the space and tools to come together and reflect on their work critically, reassess their missions and operations, and approach their work with a new lens of adaptation and experimentation. Ultimately, building this capacity will strengthen participants’ flexibility and adaptability so they can thrive in challenging circumstances. Each participating organization receives $10,000 in support. 

Our goal is to help these organizations set a foundation for their future success  and to foster a network that can develop shared learning and continue to support each other in this work. 

The participating organizations are: 

Learn more about the workshop series in a blog by Knight Arts Director Priya Sircar.